Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Government Cheese and Hunting Fees

Remember this: Starve and die...or look for options.

Many people do not take part in recreation activities such as hunting, fishing, and camping due to lack of funds. Meaningful experiences fall to the wayside due to lack of connections, mentoring, time, and desire.

I try not to belittle or look down on another person's life without some reflection on that person. I do give people the benefit of the doubt. I would expect the same in turn. I don't know their life or what they have been through. When I see someone raging against the machine, I try not to get mixed up in the foray of emotions that causes one to lose the ability to see through bullshit. Neither do I desire to look down on such individuals, who feels strongly about their convictions. Their experiences are vastly different. Yet considered no less or more important than my own.

I try to scratch out people that think they see a weak spot and try to pick at the scab. For those I say, “Keep picking. You are going to get something you will never see coming.” Spiteful people exist due to boredom and enjoying the thought of hurting someone else. Those weeds eventually go the way of all things when come uppance arrives at their door.

I began thinking about regular people, when faced with some life disaster, needing to provide for their loved ones with whatever option is available at the time. The sad reality is there are people that will not help people in need. They see them as capable. This is true. The crux of this problem is: you can have a capable person that can do but that person is not given any opportunities for whatever reason. Generating opportunities sometimes fail because of lack of funding or interest from the general public. There are a lot of variables here. You could see the person doing a lot but not gaining any ground. Truth be told, everyone is fighting. Everyone has it hard. Why are we making life even harder?

There again, enter Life's Purposes, where one individual is suffering and going through a lot. They pass on the knowledge and the details of the situation to help others through and steer them clear from danger. Consider it a cosmic message transfer of sorts. The sender need only recognize the message through awareness and pass it on to the cosmic pools of the world until it drifts to the ones needing it.

I had a brief conversation with someone. Issues arose but I didn't feel predisposed to vomiting up my life disasters and pollute up someone with my problems. I consider it not vandalizing someone else's wall with my paint when they just painted their wall blank. It is a choice of mine not to dump my trash in the lake of another unless they intentionally are willing to help me clean up my mess. Most people are not that charitable.

It is always up to you and your choices; good or bad.

There are internet users on social media who feel strongly against public assistance aka Welfare. Everyone's opinions and feelings are warranted. To improve a system both negative and positive feedback is needed to correct overall service success.

After looking at online posts about Food Stamps and EBT cards, I removed myself from the resentment I viewed. Without the other person's knowledge of my use of it, I didn't want to be sensitive to the conversation someone else was posting. It's water down my back, even though some people wield it like a leather strap. Some people are like that. They don't realize how they could be hurting someone else. The person has an issue themselves. I tried to see where hunting fit into this picture. After all, it is a source of food.

To my knowledge in my great state of South Carolina, food stamps and hunting/fishing licenses do not overlap with one another. These two services are completely distinct and separate. I lean more toward the two not, because of muddying up the waters of services.

Let us look at the EBT/SNAP service.

There are probably people utilizing monetary contributions from family and friends to buy hunting and fishing licenses. This kinda thing has to be turned in to social service. They want to know ever dime that passes through your hand from whatever source it comes from. Hunting and fishing's purpose in this is to supplement the lack of food not covered by how much is allocated to your EBT card. It exists merely as a crutch to get you over a hump in your life, given that hump doesn't span years. Sadly, it does.

I speak from experience.

In my instance, I was no longer employed at a decent paying job after I broke my wrist from an on-the-job dog attack. I applied for public assistance but was turned down. I still posessed current pay stubs but had already paid my bills. My funds were at zero. I had a child to feed. I went to my dad's, besides myself. He was sitting on the swing outside. I told him what kind of pickle I was in. I just had the sutures removed from my hand and faced a lot of physical therapy. He pointed to the truck and said, “Get the gun out and shoot a deer.” He gave me the money to go buy a hunting license. You soon find you don't need to kill more than three to keep you in the protein. My nerves were so bad at that time due to other things. Deer meat was the only thing I could eat and hold down, meat wise. I grew some hybrid collards and mustard then called it a meal.

Here I interject, in life you go on the idea that everything will work itself out. You don't foresee a lot of disruptive life issues and tragedies that come your way. Neither should you be beat up for it by others who judge and look down on you in a dehumanizing way. This can come from the very workers you go to while apply for a service and from people in better life positions. The worry for them is absent. They forget every minute is one step to being in the position of the person they frown down upon.

One of my friends rented houses. She came by one day and told me she had two men renting her houses. One had a job but wouldn't pay his rent, yet could buy a stereo system. The other had a child, paid his rent but didn't have anything left over for food. She told me how bad she felt about it but had to take the rent anyway. Her bills didn't stop either. I didn't say anything to her. I got a box, walked over to my deep freeze and started putting food in it. I told her, “Give that to the one that pays his rent and has a kid.” This guy was just above the margin given by Social Services that didn't approve him. We call it scraping the barrel here.

I thought about the amount that is given on an EBT card. Let us set up a scenario. Here is a working example. The amount given to a woman and child with absolutely no income could be $357.00. Divide this by 30 days and allocate $11.90 per day per two people. Divide this by 2 people and you have a final amount of $5.95 day/person. Now subtract the amount of a 12 oz can of Chicken of the Sea, at full price, from this amount and see what you have left over. The protein on the can says 11g. Look up what your protein requirements are for the day. Figure it out...

Now keep in mind when you use the $5.95 for yourself, you look at the can to see what the label says the protein amount is. Otherwise, you could be wasting $5.95 on sugar and crap food. We wonder why food that is good for us is so costly and you can't pay for it.

When you consider a person pays into a system over the course of their life, while having a life disruption at some point, should not be begrudged using a service provide they helped subsidize it. Nor is it right to look down on them and set the scene to insinuate they are a loser all of a sudden. It reminds me of being in a tribe. You break your leg on a hunt. You can no longer hunt so the other members of the tribe drag you to the edge of the village and dump you there. You are no longer of use to them or yourself. The reality is you are just sidelined until you heal. This doesn't mean you have no value. It is a case of wrong tribe with bad mentality.

I remember reading an account where a certain North American tribe would have a meeting then go into the tent of an elderly person and choke them to death. One account was by a elder that overheard what was about to happen to him. He dragged himself out his lodging and into the woods. He subsisted on berries and bark for a while until he could walk a little. He meandered to a local tribe of different affiliation who cared for him until he was well. All it took was care and compassion. This man did not have to die at the hands of others who considered him useless and a burden.

I recently looked at the application for EBT. On it were questions such as: Have you used EBT to purchase guns and ammunition, have you sold EBT for recreational drugs, etc. I just stared at it an thought, “Do you really expect people to answer this? They would be admitting to a crime?” Again, maybe the person is mentally challenged and answers these questions. Stranger things can happen.

There is the issue of requiring people to give a urine test as a part of the process to be approved for EBT. The problem with this is you have to prove the person did sell EBT funds for drugs. They could have traded sex for drugs. You never know. Of course, this could be a good and bad thing. The requirement might be to get into a drug rehabilitation group. This could incur even more cost at someone's expense. Who would pay for that? Unfortunately, it becomes a sickness that branches out even further. No one knows how deep it can go but it keeps going. It is a symptom of social-psychological disease. The wrong thought can lead you into all kind of mischief.

There are people abusing the service, either intentionally or for lack of education on what they should be choosing. I have seen people loading up grocery carts with every kind of processed food instead of the nutritionally necessary items. The baby sits in the slot at the handles with all this junk a la carte behind them. Eventually the bad choices lead to childhood and parental obesity. On it goes, the degrading human condition. One bad decision right after another. Why is this I ask? Maybe no one taught them better, laziness, it is just convenient to not use brain cells, and lack of education? Who knows what is going on in peoples heads at the time?

Where does hunting and fishing enter into the picture?

Thinking on hunting and fishing, it is costly. A South Carolina salt and freshwater fishing license is $20. This might be the best route. You can fish off the hill. If you hang around a boat landing long enough, you could make a friend that would take you out for thirty minutes on the water. This promotes social interaction. People tend to talk more when relaxed and no menace.

A basic hunting license is around $10. If you get the hunting/fishing combination license you save $5.00. To get the migratory bird with stamp and ability to hunt Wildlife Managed areas the fee could be up to $65-$70. This is due to contributing to conservation efforts in our state, which is a must. No wild game, there goes your alternative food source option.

Jobless, destitute people can't afford this. You can't pay, you don't play. The option of using hunting and fishing as a food source goes out the window unless you find charity in someone who is compassionate enough to give you a hand out. The only light in the dark here is cane pole fishing without an eye. You can still attempt to pull a fish from the river.

How does this figure for dirt poor people who could hunt for their food but not afford the fees? If a person loses the ability to realize they can do for themselves because of an obstacle placed before them with a penalization system, how can they proceed? What happens when this individual is placed in a position to make a poor decision merely because the choice of starve or break a law and go to jail is now in the option choices? What if this person has no one else to help them supplement food sources? Is there a service in conjunction with the Department or Natural Resources and the EBT/SNAP program to work together to get those individuals out in the field to give them a sense of empowerment as capable individuals who can provide for themselves and others. This could lead to improvement of self-image and give impoverished peoples the determination or encouragement to move past their perceived ideals of self-poverty to a more self-sufficient human being. Then teach them to pass this mentality on to others who seeming fall behind or down in the mud.

Should these two entities not mix? Is there the possibility of a service being generated separate from the two, yet have the ability to co-mingle as a prototype as an answer to part of the problem?

You can see how questions really start generating themselves. When you have more questions than answers to a growing issue there exist a potential problem. This doesn't mean there are no solutions. It is the tact one goes about apply solutions for favorable outcomes.

Charity in recreational sports, governmental programs, and our daily lives is necessary. Individuals exist in the world that are dependent due to disability, somewhat helpless children, the mentally-ill, self-decided leeches on society, and capable adults that get assaulted by the responsibility of just being alive then falling pray to happenstance. You also have big talkers that think nothing will ever happen to them. 

Yet the cosmic finger points at you on this given day and says, “Kneel. Remember the dirt you come from for you shall return to it; kicking, screaming, or relieved this life is over.” Again you might be one of the lucky ones that never see a tear shed in their life and die with a smile on your face. The problem with this is: When asked, what did you do for others in your time on Earth? What could you possibility have to say for yourself?

These are just some of the things I was pondering on. I could go into a long treatise of novella proportion. I only want to make you think. There are people that just upon reading this piece would get mad as a wet-setting hen at the mere thought. To those people I only ask: Think about it in a new way. Doing for someone else very well might make you have a better outlook on others and yourself.

Maybe we rely to much on government to guide us or empower the public to do for themselves and others. There are billions of people on this planet. Is it so hard to turn to the person beside you and say, “Can I help you in some way? Relieve your suffering and toil?” Do we have to wait on a government handout when there are so many people willing to help those that want to help themselves? Could this ever become a real thing? Is it just for those few that have compassion and awareness to the suffering of other things great and small? Why are there so few of those kinds of people? Or are people not brave enough to recognize that thing within themselves that manifest the good the world bore you out the Earth to exist for the sake of existing?

Being poor and dying is not the way a living creature should part his life. Neither is it noble to make someone's last dying thought be from Langston Hughes's poem “Sympathy” rethought....I didn't even have a crust of bread or a corner to weep in.

Written by: W Harley Bloodworth