Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why Didn't You Call Me?

Remember this: No one would answer.

I don’t care about people hunting. It is the shooting from a truck that bothers me.

As posted yesterday about the nut shooting from the truck window. I called the local DNR office to see if I could report the problem; the line rung on and on with no automated system with voice mail, or direct calls to an after-hours report line.

I decided to call this morning because those people will be out hunting today and probably the 1st.

I leave a message at the local DNR office. Officer calls me back. I begin to tell him about this person shooting from a truck. He asks me why I didn’t call him yesterday. I told him I called the office-no one answered. He tells me he was in my area up to 7 pm. I replied how was I supposed to know that? I figured if the person was desperate enough to shoot yesterday, given there was only two more days to the season-they would be out shooting tomorrow. Besides, they already realized they were seen and decided to leave.

I told him that every time I call the after-hours number the person there replies like battery acid and that I didn’t have good experiences with the DNR people on duty.

This is the modus operandi of DNR employees in dealing with caller complaint.

The officer does not take down the complaint and listen to you.
The officer becomes argumentative about why you are calling.
The officer whines there isn't enough help to cover the complaints.
You are suppose to magically know daily schedule of the DNR officer so as not to impose inconvenience on him.
The officer will defend the criminal because it is two days left to the season and why bother? Right? 

   I finally became frustrated and told the officer he wasn’t interested in listening to my complaint. All the officer had to do was pencil my complaint down and tell me he would look into it. This is not what they do. It becomes a reverse argument based on implied lack of response on the part of the caller by the DNR investigator.

The truth seems to be: They just don't want to be bothered.

Somehow, you are the guilty party. I replied that I felt he was defending the person breaking the law. He was trying to reason with me why he shouldn’t bother to look into this person. It was more important to disregard my complaint, upset me and I was already bothered by the shooter from the truck window. It is not my problem the DNR doesn’t employ enough staff to do the work.

I thought about calling the main office in the upstate, but if this officer’s attitude is a reflection of the overall attitude of the state DNR employees-it is a waste of time and effort.

When you have to use the current behavior of a DNR officer as the prime example for why you weren't Johnny-On-the-Spot for calling, is a sad indicator of the treatment a caller complaint is going to receive when calling that agency regardless of the content of the complaint.

Some of the money coming out of your pocket is probably paying that employee for extending to you a poor example of bad customer service. 

But you better be respectful of them at all times even when they are disrespecting of  you? How is that right?

What good is a state agency when the workers refuse to do their job? How safe are you actually as a private land owner when someone agitates your property boundaries out of hunting desperation?

Written by: Angelia Y Larrimore

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Vehicle Hunters: Dogs, Guns, and Blatant Disregard

Remember this: This ain’t the O-K Corral.

I have a current, active hunting and fishing license. I’ve been several times since my escape from that land: the Southwest.
For the past two years, the last couple of days of hunting season bring out the worst desperation for hunters. Every year it gets worse.
I am not sure what drives this need to do desperate acts. Is the stress and pressure to keep up, produce a product, and suck up to everyone to stay in the nook of their good graces that much of a problem in the hunting world? Is it worth it and for how long?  
I was having a tire plugged and doing some farrier work on my pony. The other horses alerted me that something was amiss out by the road. I looked up and saw a dark blue, Chevrolet truck parked in the road at the edge of the other pasture. This pasture extends out to the woods and my horses ramble around wherever they please eating.
I thought, “How creepy. Not sure if that is someone casing the joint, or just being a douche.”
I turned my head to grab the part to put air in my tires when I heard a loud shotgun go off. I jerked and looked straight at the vehicle. Three more were popped off. I said some profanities.
Every horse person in the known universe can concur: You do not mess with my horses.
This person was sitting in their truck shooting out over the pasture from the window. The truck was parked a stone’s throw from the neighbor’s residence. The wife is always in the house but hardly ever comes out.
I wasn’t sure what they could be shooting at. The woods were two pastures away. I couldn’t remember if it were dove hunting season-but still-no one is supposed to shoot from a vehicle especially out over someone else’s private property.
It agitated my father, who sent me after another truck while he watched the dark blue Chevrolet now backing up to hide behind the neighbor’s magnolia tree. Someone has been trespassing on his property and menacing him while he hunts. He can’t hunt in peace because of the boundary agitation by out-of-community hunters and community hunters skulking about in vehicles.
Now the private land owner that hunts is being assaulted by the vehicular hunter, who acts pretty much like a scavenger predator (coyote) at the boundaries.
I don’t think anyone foresaw this problem with landless hunters not willing to hunt sparse public land then converging on the areas outside of private land owners while trying to circumvent the land owner’s request for hunt lease funds in lieu of access; then trying to figure out how to run wildlife off of rest areas or quiet hunt areas in private lands by using trespassing hunting dogs, gun fire from mobile vehicles, and trespassing by driving onto ungated private land as a get-in and get-out scenario.
Just because you have a hunting license doesn’t give anyone the right to expect a property owner to hand over access to their property and open the property owner up to liability because of someone’s potentially hazardous pastime.
I left and followed another one barreling down the road. You find out one hunter-he or she knows who the others are because they are literally sucking at pack hunting. Low and behold, he was crawling under the neighbor’s cattle gate to grab a hunting dog.
The problem with hunting dogs with this scenario is putting them out on the boundary of a private area you have no access to, then know those dogs are going to cross over that inaccessible land without permission of the land owner in hopes of driving animals off-this is probably done while another hunter is in a stand trying to hunt that area with a valid hunting lease.
It is blatant disregard; much like someone shooting out over my horse pasture.
I thought of some suggestions. People like the option of suggestion.
If hunters are going to be allowed to hunt with dogs, those dogs should be microchipped, wearing identification collars, or collared with tracking systems. If a private landowner should find one on their land, should be able to require a payment of a return fee to have that dog relinquished back to the owner-payable by the owner to the landowner. Also, there should be accountability on the part of the hunter using the hunting dog. That dog’s identifier should be register with the DNR for monitoring for a fee that way if the hunter is unwilling to pay the return fee on the dog-they should be fined for negligible abandonment. This would reaffirm accountability when the dog walks out in front of someone’s vehicle and causes that person’s property to be damaged and in need of repair.
Now, this business of shooting from a vehicle can cause all kinds of problems. You never know when you are pointing a weapon at someone’s property, even if you think it is the woods, that there might be someone standing right there or walking by that could catch the spray of it. It is also wrong to open fire around residential areas far from the woods, even if you’re shooting at birds out of bird hunting season. Home owners don’t want to be menaced by out-of-community vehicular hunters blasting away for unknown reasons and scaring people.  This is a good way to get shot at by senile, older people who take offense at unwanted gun play from hooligans.
This has become an embarrassing and shameful way to be. Deer feed people, even undeserving, selfish people. Yet, the very animals everyone claims as “only for food” are treated like corn fodder, nothing more than an object, not deserving of any kind of respect.
Hunters are state constituents with a purchased privilege to do an activity. They are not God, nor are hunters entitled to walk around like John Poppy Cock demanding non-hunting participants smooch posterior because of implied and expected erroneous, cognitive delusions of being an alpha hunter; one that uses everything under the sun to catch a sad little deer.
There possibly is plenty of deer in the upstate. Several years now, my observation is the steady lack of visuals on deer. In order for me to even hear a buck, I have to listen in the dark after 10 pm. Not only the animal but the human is menaced by the ever imposing presence of vigilant hunters waiting to score.  
I would hate the idea that people are so hunter-greedy someone wants to make deer hunting a nighttime sport-because I am a hunter, I don’t apologize- blah, blah, blah.
Everything is eventual, per Stephen King, at the rate hunting is traveling it will reach its carrying capacity before it makes a free dive.
I ponder that hunters lost sight of how to be. Hunting appears to be an ever-growing soulless dead thing that no longer knows how to be-at least from my vantage point.
Is this the irony of hunting? To be a soul-less dead thing much like the multitude of soul-less dead things that is the eventual outcome of its labors.

Written by: Angelia Y Larrimore

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hiding in the Grass

Remember this: Count your accomplishments to know your effectiveness.

I was watching this eagle hunting on a field; decided today would be a good day to go hunting. I went down to the woods, realized the lane was slick as eel crap. A fat doe walked out in front of me like she was grocery shopping. I had Nena Two Feathers with me. We got out and walked around the grassy, wildlife lane I cut with the lawnmower. I walked up on the sandy hill and cut some witch cane, then walked over to the other stand. It was 12:30 pm. I could hear either someone sitting in the woods blowing like a buck, or a buck. I would later hear this again mixed in with the sound of a bull. These are two distinct sounds. I walked back to the truck and left.

I went back around 2:30 pm. There was no bait anywhere. I decided not to go into my dad’s man cave of a stand. Walked through the briars and mud to get to my stand I hadn’t been in for two years; sat there for a while in the calm, watching a squirrel dig nuts out of the leaves. I was reading this book called The Luminaries, when I heard a lizard scurrying under the black trash bag. I looked out the hole. At the end of the lane in the woods, two doe walked across. One stopped, and I could have tagged her out, but decided she was far away for a shot. The temperature began to drop and I was getting cold. I heard something crashing through the water in the swamp. I sat there a while. I heard this high-pitched, musical sound that was like a loon call. I relieved the trigger of my rifle, put my book in my bag, then put everything on my back and crawled out the deer stand. 

I slowly made my way through the woods and the water to the man cave. I put my rifle down with my backpack. I took my broken camera out then walked over to the side of the duck pond, which is elevated. I got down on my stomach, crawled up the side in the mud and briers then waited to see if I was discovered. 

I could hear and see the migratory birds calling and playing in the water. I started to laugh at my shenanigans of trying to take a picture of ducks with a broken camera. I watched them for a while. If I had stayed still, I could have gotten away with it for a long time. I finally stood up to take a photo; they flew off. I laughed, but was like meehhh, at the same time. I decided I was going to build a nature blind so I can take photos, undiscovered, in a couple of days.

Listening to those ducks was the most tranquil thing. I began reflecting on my successes, riddled with typos, with this particular construction into creative writing.

My greatest success here is: I wrote bulk posts and didn’t have to kill one animal to do it. This illustrates the unnecessary activity of people who chose to kill to compliment a work, instead of it just being for food. There again, if you’re hunting something for food, then happen to write something up, it is all in your intention.

My point got across in whatever form it took. I didn’t have to sacrifice my ethics or morals to appease a public audience, because doing such was quietly expected.

In order for you to prove yourself, and be accepted into the social media hunting community, it is implied to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt of your validity. I said, “Screw that.”

The bulk of the photography I used was images I took myself. My critique of issues I wrote was directly from my train of thought. Some of the posts are responses that required thought. Ideas just appeared for me to write, which I am grateful for. I didn’t have to hijack people for content, or mine for gold on other people’s pages due to the desperation to be prolific and relevant.

I offered friendship, it was denied. No big deal. I still did what I wanted. I was able to express myself in a creative way. I didn’t want the bad company, or the faux friendship people extend to those they idolize, and douchey people full of their own celebrity. After all, you are still just a regular person; nothing more.

I was reading a book about Georgia O’Keeffe. The writer asked O’Keeffe if she would agree to the writer penning a biography. O’Keeffe tells the author she can write the book only by the information she finds, not what O’Keeffe divulges. I realized even published this wasn’t the deeper version of O’Keeffe. People should have some option of privacy, even in their thoughts.

I wasn’t interested in mining other living peoples’ lives to steal a story that wasn’t mine to tell or take, even though people probably sampled from me. I do like getting my point across to people out to do harm. There are those people that watch what you are doing, get pissed, want you to shut up so they can write the same thing, kind of. Why?

I would suggest this. It is because the individual is enamored of you and can’t express this to you, or they think they are the expert and feel it is their place not yours. These people have all of the connections in the world-so they use you, then hope and pray no one realizes what they are doing. 

With that being said, there are people reading, get the message, and pass it for the truth it is. You know who you are.

The best decision I made was not be accessible by comments. I sidestepped lots of negativity. I can gladly say, I didn’t fight with anyone, other than the random comment by a fake profile, about hunting. My last count was three negative interactions over five years. As a person, I was irrelevant, but as a vat of knowledge, I was priceless.

When it came to people and situations, I deferred to my I Ching of Everything question. There is a simple formula for determining any situation or person by asking these two questions in one:

Are you an Asshole, or are you not?

Drowning down reality with a lot of word play can be relegated to a simple yes or no answer. Don’t complicate things.

What would I know? I am just the voice that speaks from the ether.

Written by: W Harley Bloodworth

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Fishing Net

Remember this: Spread the fishing net wide.

Usually, I write about four of these conjoined writings on one topic. I have been watching CNN still. This will probably be my last unless something speaks to me.

I was watching The Morning Joe and was impressed by Mika Brzezinski’s suggestive words to Mr. Scarborough about not continuing or pursing negative, repetitive content for the day. The change in dialogue and approach was noted and applauded.

Moving on

Everyone knows the story of contaminated smallpox blankets, indigenous America, the Spanish, and the Wooden Horse of Troy.

I am sure someone on social media is saying this information is all a historical lie concocted by the concept of white supremacy. That is not my premise, but the one related to terrorist riding in on the wave of fearful people running from the ones purposed to be walking within their numbers.

When you gaze upon social media, you see page after page saturated by this sentiment contributed by faceless posters to spread information to polarize the constituents of American for purposes of internal social strife. Regular people seem to have a problem saying, “No”, and engaging in this following of negativity and hate. There are people in America with an addiction for following different radical ideas themselves. They have yet to act on this.

This misuse of Social Media is one of the complaints of the POTUS and his administration. The use of social media to spread hate speech, contributing and recruiting sensitive targets to do their bidding, and eliciting the use of fake identities to hold dialogue and conversations of inflammatory natures, while social media does nothing to monitor this derogatory past time.

Responsible application makers, social media wingnuts, and people participating in those avenues need to be more responsible and selective in the garbage left out on the curve. Turn it in and for those receiving the information, take it seriously.

Syrians, or people moving into other areas are considered the smallpox blankets, or the wooden horse as expressed by politicians and other people talking out the side of their necks.

There is always the potential at any given time for someone to turn into a radical. Look at Trump; perfect example. He is radicalizing right before our eyes, and it is not even based on a religion. As a Presidential candidate, he is polarizing and doesn't seem to understand there is a population of people he will have to work for. It is not a business. The American people will not be working for him, or will they? I began to visualize a movie entitled, "New America: Trump's National Sweat Shop."

One point exposed that hasn’t been addressed is: The lack of interview and dialogue from the internal and external Muslim community regarding the negative affect the religious extremist jihadists are exerting on global public relations of the non-radical Muslim faith.

Pertinent questions should be asked in the vein of:

How is the behavior and publicizing of extremist religious jihadist affecting the present and future of the Muslim faith?

What are the plans of the present Muslim faith’s participation in helping to disclose jihadist identities to prevent more harm to the Muslim faith?

These are just a couple of questions to facilitate the participation of Non-radical Muslims, foreign and domestic that should be asked.

There is no dialogue or conversation from the Syrian refugee camp either. Why is this?

One of the issues from the POTUS was aligning non-radical Muslim followers as integral members in the spread of messages throughout the Muslim communities to clarify their stand on, or against jihadist behavior, why hasn’t this been pursued?

This is crucial to the worldview, diplomacy, and diffusing fear and misunderstanding of the Muslim community throughout the world. Interaction amongst all people at this time is demanded.

Once again, non-radical Muslims are given no voice; no voice whatsoever, in a time when their collective and individual voices need to be heard. That would be indicative of how important their role is, and how as a Nation, America and other countries can validate non-radical Muslim existence in forming a coalition to oppose the further development of religious, radical extremist groups, both foreign and domestic.

Non-radical Muslims could be a serious benefactor to illustrating to other Muslims on-the-fence to how becoming a religious, radical member of an extremist group is self-defeating, a distortion of the message of the Quran, and a destructive factor in spreading the non-violent word of the Muslim faith. Give non-radical Muslims their voice in the world to help fight the very Jihadist that is misrepresenting the overall religion to the point of subterfuge.

So far, the jihadists have all the News Media’s attention. Turn that attention away from the jihadists and shine the light on the non-radical Muslims that have just as much to lose as the Syrians. Their whole world is being threatened by the actions and behaviors of strangers, or people they are not directly affiliated with in the Middle East. 

It seems every news outlet is avoiding the Muslim perspective. Do not neglect this perspective.

When it comes to the non-radical Muslims, you have the effect on worldview, the individual, and Islam itself in the negative and positive connotation.

Radicalism must be disclosed as the misrepresentation by a minority onto a majority of non-radical Muslim followers. Only through terror tactics does this minority slowly become a majority by driving all others out.

At this current time, what is the jihadists’ effect on non-radical Muslims, their presence in the world, and how non-radical Muslims combat internally and externally, this jihadist presence and stream of belief.

In closing, do not leave a stone unturned, especially a would-be ally. 

Written by: W Harley Bloodworth

My Critical Thought….

Remember this: Words and language matter. Be careful where and how you drive the Verbal Car. The meaning can end up anywhere-lost or found.

My thought process of life scenarios are in terms of hunting. People conducive to hunting understand a train of thought with experience. It is the application in lieu of scenario, or applied to it.

I have been asleep for several days with CNN playing in the background. I finally decided to get up. 

I have loved all sacred religious text with an appreciation because of a philosophy teacher. Given the content, especially when comparing, you find a lot that is the same and different. It can still be appreciated for each stand along interpretation. It is meant to be appreciated, not used for terror. Why would anyone want to use their religious text in such a contrary way to bring shame to their God?

The teacher makes all the difference. Bows to Miyagi.

Let us imagine a mountain goat or for others, your basic goat. Much like the sacrificial goat of yore, Goat is an idea. Goat is not an insult here.

Goat held the value of a human life in the religious text-in trade. Think of the sacrifice of Isaac, or Ismail by his father, Abraham. Angels intervene and off the ram goes in would-be subjugate's place.

What I have seen and heard in the media has cause for great concern.

There are attacks on the US POTUS for not having a plan, as demanded by Joe Scarborough from The Morning Joe. I had to force myself to watch. Mr. Scarborough’s form of interviewing the people on his show comes across as an aggravated assault on the viewer, by a person cross examining a person, already perceived to be a liar.

The POTUS is the goat being set to sacrifice. Yet, he will get intervention on a Sovereign's behalf. All he need do is wait for the calm within.

My critical thoughts on Mr. Scarborough’s demands to know the stratagem were questions: Why does media personnel need to know military, or executive strategies if the first reaction is to place those maneuvers on the global news. The global news then gives the upper hand to groups that these maneuvers are trying to counter?

My hunting thought is: Never freely tell them where you hide your goat, especially if you are hunting a goat-specific target.

This was illustrated by the airing of the extremist groups’ call to arm foreign followers with weapons and attack; free of charge, no need to apply, effortless utilizing of the News Media to advertise a terrible call to arms. 

In the News Media’s eyes this is reporting and validating the storyline of a religious extremist group, not advertising for them for free. Yet, the News Media passed that destructive message along like the river pours into a much bigger ocean. Who will pay for that?

The News Media told religious extremists, otherwise not in contact with the head, where the goats are located.

For politicians engaging in non-compassionate reactions of fear for the sake of their states by proclaiming no-entry to Syrian peoples fleeing their homelands, instead of being empowered to stand and fight, would you want to be treated that way? Is there not a better way to handle displaced persons than angrily, or giving little regard for women, child, and elderly people with nowhere to go?

My hunting thought is: Progression. You see people starving. You shoot a goat, but do not want to share because you are scared you are going to starve too. There is a limited supply of goats. What do you do? Watch people starve, with food in your bowl, or spread that goat out? Better yet, teach those people how to preserve goat meat and make it stretch. Better yet, help them realize you are all in that together, compromise, form a decent plan and spare as many people that you can while not making enemies.Sometimes, you have to let the animal pass. Draw in the one you want.

After all, that is what I see. Someone wanting to draw someone into a fight. A fight to martyr others for a cause. So it is martyrdom, not serving God, but selfishness.

There is also the perpetuation of the politicians running for office, who are not elected, to give their opinion of what the POTUS should be doing. You are not employed in that job yet. If you are holding or entertaining language that is derogatory to the support of your present POTUS, what will you do when you might be elected? How will you turn your personal prejudices on any group of people if it is detrimental to your campaign, or employ as the future president?

I see a president losing hope over the actions and behaviors of his constituents. I would say to that POTUS, do not lose heart. Everyone has a dark moment. Some of us have more than others. You will be lifted out by a very unique and special event.

Is this what America wants?

I say, swamp the whole lot of candidates and bring us someone with caliber. There doesn’t seem to be anything here.

Once more with feeling

None of the Presidential candidate elects for our future president are worthy; toss those bad fish back.

There is a proclamation of war by France; good on France. There should also be an understanding that religious extremism is a global problem and that requires more than one group, agreeing or not, to work together to solve that problem in a way to cause as little casualties as possible.

My hunting thought: It is called a driven hunt by location. Animals talk to one another; they look for food, water and shelter. To deprive them of that is to make them move in the direction they do not desire. Once that is taken away, they sit still for as long as they can, then they turn and fight.

Humans are no different.

When it comes to the News Media and Politicians safe in their beds or work, to call for troops to go into a zone and act as Stormtroppers, sacrificing themselves for other people’s safety-yet what those soldiers are seeing is selfish, greedy people calling to segregate and exert prejudice on a weakened people-what do those soldiers have in the way of example for selflessness and compassion when the ones calling for an angry response are not the ones suffering the work? The soldier has the right idea, but not the civilians frothing at the mouth to sacrifice someone, then later realizing that same soldier has no one to take care of them.

One of the ideals of the military is to serve selflessly the civilians and the world in times of peace and war. What message are we sending our troops? I am a selfish civilian, go fall on a sword for me while I take selfies, drink haterade, and go down and burn some businesses because I am upset.

I can see why there is no action to place a movement of troops on foreign grounds. Maybe the powers that be are trying to be smarter from earlier conflicts. Why should the powers that be continually be pressured to put soldiers at risk for the backlash to come on their decisions through News Media ready to uncover the truth at political shadiness or the appearance of? Who got the backlash for Benghazi? Who is being held responsible for intervention in the early stages of the present extremist groups’ evolution from some past point on the timeline?

Sad thing is, the News Media is driving this. When did the News Media become the weakest link and helper to extremist groups in the intelligence community by leaking as much information as they can scrape out the information coconut?

I watched some of the videos of the extremists. The individuals appeared to have a laughing smirk, much like someone who doesn’t believe in the religious text, more so than the idea at getting attention by harassing a world entity. To many times these people appear, by media standards of information passage, to be displaced persons living with the reality their lives aren’t going anywhere so, where do they find glory and fame?

On the other hand, instead of simply worshiping, a caliphate had to be formed in order to construct a cure for what they perceive as a beast against their religious doctrine that they must destroy. The West might look like Sodom and Gomorrah to the Middle Easterner, when considering some of the reports, there are shady thing just as bad going on in their prospective countries. Bad press is...bad press.

My hunting thought: Stop chasing imaginary dragons to kill. Practice your religion in peace.

Anything God or Allah wants to do, I am sure has the power to do it, there is no need for a human to take it upon him, or herself to intervene; that wouldn’t be Godly, that would be humanly. The Great Mystery most likely doesn’t want calamity stirred up.

What do I know of the Great Mystery? I go to sleep. I wake up. I am, you are, everything outside my perception is mysteriously awake, aware, and evident, if not illusionary.

When did the whole of existence become reliant on the written word in a sacred text, when the Great Mystery is transcendent to the verbal diatribes of man?

Yet, watch CNN’s dialogue on the Paris terrorist attacks. Watch the presidential democratic debate. It is there. People are more concerned on the use of a word. Hawkish became the pivot word. Stratagem became the pivot word. Refugee became the pivot word. Word meaning and usage was being used. We can’t even speak, or worship with language because of the distorted meaning of the word.

Once in my philosophy class, a proficient and critical thinking teacher, Professor Blackwell, who as a chaplain said some remarks. I gathered this from his words, “People now worship the Word more than they worship the God.” This isn’t an exact wordage, as words mean everything,but the meaning is clear. He also said, “You can tell the kind of man you are dealing with indicated by the sacred text that he carries.”

Stop making the goat into an ancient Oak Tree. They are already the same thing; divine.

People can’t see the entity behind the words, so the words become the embodiment of the entity. Yet, walk out your door. That spirit awaits, but what if you don’t live in a beautiful place, does it matter? If all you see is a place where it looks like they test the nukes, do you feel the same way? If not, why do you not change your environment and your way of thinking, or the direction your thinking goes?

My hunting thought here is: Contemplation in the mundane hours while you wait, bring about the greatest realizations, until you stop thinking, and you begin to experience Being.

Let the goat be the goat.

Your inner world becomes your outer world. If you are afraid of Syrian refuges, what are you really afraid of? If you disdain American living, what are you really afraid of? If we should only let Christians in, what is that really saying?

Question the Goat for what it is.

If you demand to know a strategy from your POTUS, do you have little faith in his ability to do his job? If so, would you like his job, and do you think his job requires keeping stratagem close to the vest? Do you think you should be given clear access to all information, when you are the informant for the side doing the damage? Should we sacrifice our compassion because of the fear? Should we sacrifice what America stands for because of bad people out of fear? Can we not show that fear will not rule our lives?

As a world, we shouldn’t be driven by evil men through a set-up to prove we are as bad as they proclaim we are. Instead, show who is the contrary one. Use the sacred word for our benefit to prove a point to others who might be targeted to be enlisted into their following.

Now the religious extremists dabbling in terrorism are the same as Isaac aka Ismail from the Quran, willing and ready to die for the vision of his father, Abraham, because of God’s commandment. How do we know this? 

Someone interpreted the word based on the vision. At the same time, they are the Goat, sacrificed to the vision. The conundrum here is being both, and not one, or the other. This dictates that there is no intervention on God, or Allah’s part. If so, is God, or Allah really not agreeing to this? Could this be more-a scenario built by humans with no will of God or Allah invoked? Good question.

Another good question is, how many times does this Ismail/Isaac scenario have to play itself out before someone realizes it is man-made. 

If an angel of God, or Allah comes and tells you to stop, would you? If someone comes to you and says, “I have a vision. Just stop what you are doing, it is wrong.” Would a terrorist stop, if that is the word, and the word is believed? Can anyone believing this stop the non-believer that doesn’t go by the word? Are you not held as much hostage by what is actually a selective believer or manipulator of the word?

As far as visions, God can use a braying jack ass to pass a message. 

Do you think eventually the higher power you worship will not show its displeasure if you have faith in this belief?

When you apply the victims of Paris, they are the sacrificial Goat to the idea, but there is no favor for the terrorists because they are hiding, or on the run.

If the Middle East wants to do something more devastating than total destruction, express and illustrate Peace for one hundred years on the world. Stop destroying. Stop hurting one another. Thrive and grow. Be something the Universe would be proud of. Express divinity through acts of kindness, compassion, and down right badassery in supplication to whatever God or Deity you chose to be an apostle to.

Just a suggestion.

Be the Human Being your God created you to be; spread that. 

Can we sacrifice the idea of the goat, in order to save the human being at the hand of the human being? We shouldn’t have to sacrifice the idea of the Goat, either.

The idea of God is not impressed by killing the idea of the Goat.

Trust me, I am one goat that is not worth it.

Written by: W Harley Bloodworth

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Being Jumped by the Spirit

Remember this: Once you let spirits in, they are in.

I read this article on the Uplift website entitled, “Are you a Shaman?” written by Ongodtengertei.

This one definitely has a lot to learn. No disrespect but if that is how it is going to be taken, then so be it.

The main feeling I gathered from this article was someone attempting to dictate the parameters of the Natural world onto the Supernatural world. This is more of a response in the mode of sitting back, reading, and philosophically thinking out the wonders of it all.

I probably died in an Opium den in a past life; I laugh. Let us go on the premise that the spirit world is real for those non-believers. Exactly what would that entail? Mind-blowing, I know.

This paragraph sums up the real thought being pressed upon by the writer:

“You have spirits, but I cannot teach you. Our traditions and ceremonies would be inappropriate for your spirits as they are not Mongolian and it is not their spirits.” In short: go back home and find your own ancestral traditions. They are your birthright. You can follow them as much as you please.

This statement appears to imply: Europeans stick with Europeans. Middle Easterners stick with Middle Easterners. Africans stick with Africans. First Nations stick with First Nations. Asians stick with Asians. 

Everybody be segregated and go play in your respective corners because mixing is a bad thing; segregation, segregation, segregation.

Spirits are bound by their ethnic genre when it come to possession is what this article would have you believe. To this, the spirit world laughs that a person tried to put a working parameter on a divine and undefinable dimension. Is this what Holy People spread? Division?

Cracks open soda; Yeah, I am going there today.

This has now become the internal dialogue of a lot of cultures that are putting up fences to keep the offensive people not of their shared genetic, ethnic, and cultural code-out.

Somehow, this is open discrimination against what is considered outsiders. It is the two faces. One face smiles upon you in welcome and sharing but the real face glares at you in repulsion because of resentment, fear, and disdain. 

The writing comes across emotionally as a person beating off a bunch of wild pigs that have gotten into the garden; rooting up all the food for winter stores. 

This is the repetitive dialogue everywhere my eyes fall upon; get away from me and my culture. Stranger, visitor, non-member, foreigner, alien, and immigrant; these have become insult words. Keep away.

But this is one planet, and science says we come from one origin. If so, why do people treat each other like Martians? People of Earth plan to go into outer space and this is what is going to be carried with them. 

I think if anyone feels that way, then by all means go forth and isolate yourself. Isn’t it a little rhetorical to come back and whine that “you won't let me in”, and “I’m being rubbed out”? Don’t blame others for a situation you brought about. You crawl down in a hole it is because you crawled down in a hole.  

Have you seen something like this before? Does the world look like the play ground for those professing to openly hate someone?

This writing is an attempt to outline the requirements of what it takes to be a shaman in the Mongolian style. Style is the keyword here. Style is defined as a manner of doing something with a distinct appearance, designed in a particular from, with a particular name, description, and title. Style is a human construct.

I do agree with the writer that people searching for meaning outside of what they know could lead them into some places where their outer being clashes with the ideal picture of what that person, place or thing should be because of defining characteristics or behaviors of a group’s culture and belief.

There are a lot of posers, Snake Oil salesmen, and people using whatever it is for financial and social gain. I’m just saying those people are fake.

The other point I took from the writing is: this is not your culture, stop posing and stealing what is not yours. You are not one of us. Stand on the other side of the river and watch but do not cross over. You are not wanted here.

When did it become an acceptable thing to put up a non-existent barrier to your culture, then sale wares and take money while mistreating the people enamored with what you stand for. People like to mimic beautiful things. If the culture is beautiful, people not of that culture will sample from it to keep that beauty with them. Now it is, don’t touch my culture. Keep your filthy little hands off of it.

My question was: If this is the case and there is a problem with people you resent and do not want in your culture because you feel they are a destructive force-then don’t. One of the worst things in the world you can do is silently hate someone, then take their money and hate them some more because you feel dependent on them for something. Don’t think for a moment they can’t feel the hate either.

There are those known cases of people acting as impostors leading people into ritualistic scenarios that end in the participant’s death. This is also another reason to question anyone coming along telling you they can help you with your spiritual issues.

This might bring up the issue of a culture perpetuating mysticism for a selling point but hating the blurry way mysticism removes the idea of being real people with real issues. Putting up a facade is a dreary two way street. If you make the facade you should expect others to help you perpetuate the facade because that is what they know.

If I get sick, I just go to a doctor in whatever field I need help with.

In this case, I do not have experience with Mongolian shamanism. By the description this is more of possession. If a person is capable of accepting spirit into their vessel, the concern should be the inability to stop anything from coming through.

This is where I make a point. If this shaman is being possessed by a spirit to do healing work, how do you know it is a Mongolian Spirit? Is it taken for granted this is a truth because it can’t be anything else?

Is there some defining thing in the Supernatural world that dictates only a person of Mongolian descent can be possessed by a Mongolian spirit; or is there no cultural or ethnic barrier there because spirit no longer has a nationality? Or is this more a human dictate working on a Supernatural realm in which the spirits laugh because it is ridiculous.

Are there not documented cases of spirit possession all over the world?

Yet, the mode of application is the person being possessed is for the majority of the time ethically-specific. If you are an interloper into a culture or ethnic group, you have a bad spirit that they can treat. By this person’s statement, you can have spirits but there must be a division to spirits, vessels, and the spirit world.

Why do I feel like the human mind has now bent its interpretation of the Supernatural to segregate out the souls of people even further? How can anyone be proud to make such a statement? How is this healing anyone?

When it concerns the idea that the person’s soul has been completely removed from the body and has no memory of what has occurred is complete possession. It would not be beyond the realm of believable that someone can be partially possessed. I would think if you were completely possessed by a spirit, there is the likelihood the spirit would not want to go back to where it comes from once it finds a vessel to work through.

There is also the implication that spirits are tame and can be handled by a human vessel, while doing their bidding like a slave. This might be why the medium gets sick; you have to remove the spirit out of you or else, you have an unwanted relative that has come to stay for a long time.

When it comes to having shamanic ancestry, spirit possession could possibly occur at any time to people open to being possessed. It doesn’t mean you are weak, because to take on another spirit you have to be able to withstand what is going on. I would think it would happen to people not aware and taken by surprise because they weren’t expecting another spirit to move in on them.

We call that “being jumped”.

When the writer says “you must be Mongolian or Siberian” how do you know that person does not have ancestral DNA from that location but look completely like another ethnic group? Do they card them too? Just wondering.

Could this be the state of rebuking the person who has spirits but can’t be acknowledged because they are not of the same ethnicity? Oh Division, you are everywhere.

I keep trying to find the specific words for this statement above. It sounds more like “I rebuke you. You are not visually, culturally, or geographically of my people therefore cannot be a shaman in this particular cultural and ethnic social group. Go.”

In my mind I see the priest from the Exorcist with his bible and Holy Water declaring, “Get behind me Satan.”

Isn’t it the same thing?

Bloodlines: Does the supernatural world really care about your basic blood when it moves in the spirit realm? I would think what the spirit needs more is the spirit of the strong, open person it wishes to possess. The message has to come through, why else bother?

It is like buying a car. You want a cool ride, not a lemon.

When it comes to the spirit world, who really knows how it works? I concur, it is not a job you would want. The face of such a person can be happy but it looks exhausted, drained, and strained because of the comings and goings that happen all through the day. It doesn’t just stop and end with a one-time experience to treat or help some person or thing. The spirit will use your energy; suck you dry if you let it.

The best advice I ever got was from a lady named Judy. She said, “Don’t tell nobody.” I would tell you the same thing, “Don’t tell nobody.” If that is the case, you don’t have every person coming to you with problems they can handle themselves if they weren’t so lazy.

Really, clean up your own messes and solve your problems. Don’t go seeking spiritual guidance from a person already beat up by the spirit world. Figure your own mess out.

The more people calling upon a shaman, the more incidences of letting spirits in to help someone while it eats away at the shaman; that is the price the shaman pays for messing in the spiritual realm; being eaten away at.

When you let spirits in on a regular basis, you do not have a choice because you opened the door right up for them to work through you.

A lot of people can write an article telling you how the be, how the spirit world should be, and who can be voted in and out of whatever group is using this function.

On reflection, I wondered how this idea of ethnic-specific shamanism is supposed to work when applied to ethnically mixed members of American tribes. Tribal members are a mixing pot of different ancestry across the board. How many acting shamans would you need to cover all those different ethnic groups in one person? I think not. You’re a tribal member and you are loved; simple as that. 

The more people you have grouping around you in love is just as strong as one person channeling the dead.

Nothing is known about the expanse of the Spirit World. Spirit World doesn’t give a shit what any of us thinks. It will do what it will do. Diversity matters, division only causes problems.

Written by: W Harley Bloodworth

Here is the article link:

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Unchecked Box

Remember this: When you check a box, you are coerced into a question with an X that may well be your untruth, personally.

Over the course of several months an issue arose. It was complicated, but I wondered if I could get to the point of what bothered me about the issue(s). I had seen this before. It is not new.

I’m one part confused, one part not confused, and two parts meh. Feel free not to take it upon yourself to educate me.

I went and sat in the deer stand.  It was soggy, poor visibility, and smelling of mosquito spray. I sat there meditating and waiting.

This is going to be about questions of culture, ethnic affiliation, and the confusion of the contrary language and behavior of people engaging in such things.

I was drafted into a 90 day program where you have to prove you are actively looking for a job. No skin off my nose. I fulfilled the requirement and did some interviews.

I attended a job interview where the worker was rolling her eyes and laying her head down on the table, while the second was transfixed on the room being too cold, yet it was well over 100 degrees outside. I didn’t let it bother me, the unprofessional behavior. It helped me understand this employ was not the place for me to work. There was a question about dealing with cultures in the office and out on the street. It sounded more like a trap question that would lead to a discussion of racial dialogue. I thought it inappropriate and I declined some of the questions because they were irrelevant; trust me, I have interviewed people.

You never know the person you hire until you see that person perform; period. Anything else is a pipe dream. You get what you pay for when compulsive shopping for a employee.

Back to culture

Cultural practices can be detrimental to the individual and the public. An example of a cultural practice detrimental to the psychology of young girls is genitalia mutilation. Another example of public health being endangered by cultural practices is the foreign practice of burying the dead on the side of a river only to give the people upstream, or at the local village Cholera because of the decomposing body in the water. There is the practice of slaughtering unnumbered animals at shrines to appease some religious requirement. Most of these practices have been put under scrutiny and are in decline because of the education and understanding of the implication of the damage it incurs.

Cultural practices that breed negative energy and results are detrimental to society, and the Earth as a whole; it is not a stellar idea to embrace.

Cultural belief: Do not let someone take your photo; they will steal your soul.

Let us merrily review this.

Recently, I went to a Pau Wau. A lady there tried to tell me that some Native Americans believe when you take a photo of them you steal their soul. There are people like that. This lady was going on the idea that I didn’t know anything. I listened to her, went home, fired up Facebook and looked at all the tribal selfies staring back at me with the photos taken of the day at the Pau Wau. I figured by the time I took a picture these particular people would be way passed the negative in the soul check book; by their own hand, too. This wasn’t stealing souls per se but handing souls right over to the masses via social media. Cameras and cell phones were everywhere, but I was singled out as the soul-stealer with a broke digital camera. I joke here.

It does bring up the relevant idea of romanticizing and steeping a culture in mysticism that is attempting or practicing a progressive move toward secular practices. Once a traditional belief is proven to be untrue, the confusion comes from the voyeur placing expectation on the practitioner to maintain the traditional behavior, and belief they have come to associate through re-enforcement from a certain culture. This has been accepted and re-enforced by persons not of that particular culture. The practitioner can choose to keep the old social idea and expectation, or replace it with a more current truthful representation.

The majority of the time, the person against the photo doesn’t like the way they see themselves. They don’t like what they see and are scared other people will see it too.

I saw wild turkey on the way home. It made everything better.

With cultures, you do want to preserve the way of life. Life is better simple. As time progresses, certain items have to be put away as “things we use to practice” but found out there was a better way that made people’s lives better. There are certain cultural beliefs that have stood the test of time and are beyond reproach. By all means, keep those. Once again, if a cultural practice is harming the people, it is time to find a new way, or let it go.

There has always been a sort of grief over traditional cultural beliefs, practices and traditions clashing with mainstream, progressive ideals, etc. This goes back to balance. If you had to construct a foundation from each group, you would take greater care in what and where you place each selection; just enough of each thing. Being culture and tradition greedy will only overwork you and make life unbalanced.

Don’t do that to yourself.

Back to the soul-stealing-selfies; I thought of a word for this outdated cultural belief.

Contrary: when your words and deeds go against what you are actually doing and saying.

A test of life is to become aware of what you are doing to yourself and others; alleviate suffering.

Life has become a barrage of other people subjugating you, expecting your acquiescence and compliance to implement a form of non-disclosure of their behavior, hiding the insult, and then the offending party to maintain status to go on and do it to someone else. All this feeling justified by the knowledge of some past wrong that is doled out on unsuspecting people while becoming the thing that you resented initially.

A person with the above issue can sit and think, “How can I use this to my benefit and to my opponent’s detriment?” Evil comes in all shapes and shadows. You can quote me on that.

Watch the psychological cancer grow, spread, infect others, and destroy.  A person is a carrier of what is wrong in society by the act of perpetuation. Perpetuating fear and disdain against someone else because of what you are afraid will be done to you, being powerless, not having control, and an assortment of other thoughts breeding in your brain pan. The mouth is the route of injection and intention that spews an un-divine plan to inflict psychic and physical pain inherited through the repetitive act of re-enforcement onto others unaware of what is going on in their headspace.

On to the perpetuation of ignorance via the Telly.

I was watching an episode of Atlanta Plastic Surgery. A Hispanic lady awaiting rhinoplasty stated she believed the African-American doctor would understand her biology better than a person of non-African descent. It is right there for the whole world to hit rewind and listen to.

Finally, someone confirmed Extraterrestrial Aliens are working in cadaver wet labs to prove Humans are the best guinea pigs in the galaxy; no more painful anal probes, body snatching, or abductions.


My question was:

When did accredited institutions of higher education for students pursing Doctorates of Medicine begin to segregate out students in their consecutive groups to learn only their ethnic group’s medical issues due to the inability to understand the human body, or be teachable in the ways of diversity of ethnic group’s disease, conditions and treatments?

This statement implies the Doctor of Medicine curriculum is vastly flawed and is not diversified in its teaching practices for students heading out into the world to perform medicine on multi-cultural peoples. Can medical students pick many colors from the Crayola box and make a beautiful picture regardless of the perpetuation of a reality television show airing a woman that doesn’t think so? Or, is it all in her thinking as being erroneous?

Bad experiences are bad experiences. Don’t let them rule your life.

I traveled to Texas for a week. I had never been on a plan; traveled on five. I arrived at the airport at midnight. I had never taken a taxi. The worker at the front diverted one up to where I was standing. The taxi driver rides up on the curb. I thought, “Oh man…” The driver looked more Pakistani. He said he was African. I saw his taxi permit up on the console. I told him where I wanted to go. He tried to GPS the directions; stalling. He decides he is going to drive on after I tell him where it is. He isn’t even putting the address in and hitting Enter; just swiping it away. He picks up a second cellphone the claims the hotel is not on the directions. He pretty much drives me to a dead-end out in the woods. I am sitting in the taxi, looking at a blockade sign. I say to him, “Why are we here? You better take me to my hotel.” Taxi man looks afraid. I am sitting there undaunted. Five minutes later, we pull up to the hotel. At one point, I wasn’t sure if he was going to mug me or run away. He got back in the car. I didn’t pay for the scenic tour but what I knew to be the drive from the airport to the hotel. After that I didn’t take a taxi. I used a service, and my last day I rode public VIA Metropolitan transit. I had never road a transit bus. I rode three buses. The first bus tried to run me over. The other two buses had the nicest drivers. I met some pretty sweet people on the buses.

I could have thrown a fit because the taxi driver was a lost foreigner. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I could have huddled up on the transit bus like someone was going to shank me with a shiv. No, I chose to believe people on the bus were there for the same reason I was-to go somewhere.

The service I used while in town told me a lot of the taxi drivers were from foreign countries. They are not familiar with the road systems or the locations of things. When you come out the airport to take a taxi, they know you do not have a weapon because of airport security. Yet, they are driving around all night long packing heat. I watched the news and one taxi man got shot at by the runaway fare.

It always pays to pay attention and keep a level head.

This brings me to the biggest thing. When you are filling out an application for work, there are still those questions for statistical counts and diversity where you have to admit to yourself one of the following (as long as it is not Hispanic or Latino):

Box 1: Hispanic or Latino
Box 2: White (Not Hispanic or Latino)
Box 3: Black or African American (Not Hispanic or Latino)
Box 4: Native Hawaii or Pacific Islander (Not Hispanic or Latino)
Box 5: American Indian/ Alaskan Native (Not Hispanic or Latino)
Box 6: Two or more races (Not Hispanic or Latino)

I copied this down from a business website to apply for a job. I guess there is no wiggle room or grey area for being Hispanic or Latino.

My grief with this system is this:

It has been proven with genetic analysis that people are ethnically diverse yet this circumstance perpetuates an individual of diverse and dynamic background from the beginning of human awareness of ancestors to dwindle the whole of their genetic existence on choosing the box of ethnic illusion.

This standard way of coercing an individual into self-identifying with an ethnic affiliation is deeply and tragically flawed to the point of harm.

Well-meaning people and relatives will want you to be submersed into one set identity when you are more than a check box on a job application. You are more than their perception of who they expect you to be. You are more than any plan that a human has for you. You are more as an individual than what governmental law wants to dictate out to you is the appropriate race selection to identify with because you have to decide for statistics sake. I think by now everyone has transcended (Not Hispanic or Latino).

The worse time of the year to see this is the presidential elections. Ethnic groups are posed on news media like one would watch a race horse. Instead of people voting, it is John Q Public is running for office and he has the Hispanic and Latino vote-yet you go to apply for a job; then it is (Not Hispanic or Latino).

As a viewer, you are watching the comparison and targeting of ethnicity by the numbers during a presidential campaign. Depending on those numbers, who is more favorable to court in the way of votes to the victor? It used to be this portion of a state, or the state itself but now the racial profile of proportions illustrates a disturbing trend to mathematically divide communities into subsequent ethnic quarters by color label or a much struggled after title of geographical name. The only people getting labeled a color are white. It is not European because there are a lot of ethnicity in this group. It is not labeled Caucasian either. This sets a statement on what the ethnic job box represents: color label versus geographical affiliation as a label.

I think the only person I know that has been determined to be 100 % European is Iron Man.

It started to read like one of those creepy Sci-Fi novels where humans have their DNA tested with a mouth swab for the majority of their ethnic group, then forcibly put into a location regardless of the superficial surface; Worse yet, ethnically cleansed right out of history.

There are a lot of multi-cultural and ethnically diverse people living in the world. Sometimes, it appears almost implied that someone of this nature has to be validated by admitting to one category. It is implied they must turn their back on a family member of the opposing ethnic group because government ruled so. If you are of two different races, how many times are you just determined as one particular one. Have you ever wanted to know the other sides of your heritage only to be told no by your relatives? Have you ever had to deny one of your relatives because of their ethnic difference based on what you thought society demanded of you, or were told to do so because it was expected?

Did you ever stop to think this is some pretty (sailor language) excrement (poop for the layman)?

Why does society and governments perpetuate what is now, and has always been referred to as a mixing pot of world ethnicity. I am not even going to waste my time on using the word race.

President Obama has Caucasian genetics and so does his wife from what I have read. Yet, they do not openly identify with that Caucasian part of their DNA. If they have, I haven't seen it. Have you? Our POTUS is suffering the same malady as the people he serves. It is implied he has to choose a side for politics, ratings, and even acceptance.

Why is it implied that a person of multi-ethnic origin has to pick a side only to have it affect that person, their friendships, and their family in a negative way?

Human life seems to be the replay of the game, King of the Hill; whomever is at the top will get knocked off ad nauseum.

Going back to the (Not Hispanic of Latino), if you are multi-ethnic, how do you mark that box? If someone pulls DNA on you but you look Hispanic with a majority of genetics from the Caucasus region of Europe—which box are you checking? What if you look Asian but have 75% Hispanic blood quantum?  

Why is this still a thing?

Written by: Free Radicals

p.s. Still mulling over racism but have it down to one part:

Racism is thought, taught, and active. It is merely a term under the broader blanket of discrimination. A person can choose to discriminate against another person due to ethnicity. A person can choose to discriminate against another person due to status and wealth. A person can choose to discriminate against a member of a family, because they feel that member is a disgrace. These instances of discrimination are not based solely on an ethnicity's exertion of ethnic supremacy. It is just being what it is, a Douche Bag of the Ages. Someone with the will to choose to judge and discriminate, more so in their favor, and for the terrible enjoyment of doing so. 

The wordage of racism is a member of a collective of discrimination. It is just a word packing more pound for the punch in the pain department. 

Racism has become a financial commodity to sale to the masses like any other product; endorse, endorse, endorse via subterfuge. Either way, deceit will be used to achieve one’s goal, directly or indirectly under the guise of a less threatening decoy. I guess that is why I don't write about it much. It is negative.

Bigger question is: When did people start letting a blood quantum rule their lives and happiness? Why did anyone agree?

Think about that.