Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My Critical Thought….

Remember this: Words and language matter. Be careful where and how you drive the Verbal Car. The meaning can end up anywhere-lost or found.

My thought process of life scenarios are in terms of hunting. People conducive to hunting understand a train of thought with experience. It is the application in lieu of scenario, or applied to it.

I have been asleep for several days with CNN playing in the background. I finally decided to get up. 

I have loved all sacred religious text with an appreciation because of a philosophy teacher. Given the content, especially when comparing, you find a lot that is the same and different. It can still be appreciated for each stand along interpretation. It is meant to be appreciated, not used for terror. Why would anyone want to use their religious text in such a contrary way to bring shame to their God?

The teacher makes all the difference. Bows to Miyagi.

Let us imagine a mountain goat or for others, your basic goat. Much like the sacrificial goat of yore, Goat is an idea. Goat is not an insult here.

Goat held the value of a human life in the religious text-in trade. Think of the sacrifice of Isaac, or Ismail by his father, Abraham. Angels intervene and off the ram goes in would-be subjugate's place.

What I have seen and heard in the media has cause for great concern.

There are attacks on the US POTUS for not having a plan, as demanded by Joe Scarborough from The Morning Joe. I had to force myself to watch. Mr. Scarborough’s form of interviewing the people on his show comes across as an aggravated assault on the viewer, by a person cross examining a person, already perceived to be a liar.

The POTUS is the goat being set to sacrifice. Yet, he will get intervention on a Sovereign's behalf. All he need do is wait for the calm within.

My critical thoughts on Mr. Scarborough’s demands to know the stratagem were questions: Why does media personnel need to know military, or executive strategies if the first reaction is to place those maneuvers on the global news. The global news then gives the upper hand to groups that these maneuvers are trying to counter?

My hunting thought is: Never freely tell them where you hide your goat, especially if you are hunting a goat-specific target.

This was illustrated by the airing of the extremist groups’ call to arm foreign followers with weapons and attack; free of charge, no need to apply, effortless utilizing of the News Media to advertise a terrible call to arms. 

In the News Media’s eyes this is reporting and validating the storyline of a religious extremist group, not advertising for them for free. Yet, the News Media passed that destructive message along like the river pours into a much bigger ocean. Who will pay for that?

The News Media told religious extremists, otherwise not in contact with the head, where the goats are located.

For politicians engaging in non-compassionate reactions of fear for the sake of their states by proclaiming no-entry to Syrian peoples fleeing their homelands, instead of being empowered to stand and fight, would you want to be treated that way? Is there not a better way to handle displaced persons than angrily, or giving little regard for women, child, and elderly people with nowhere to go?

My hunting thought is: Progression. You see people starving. You shoot a goat, but do not want to share because you are scared you are going to starve too. There is a limited supply of goats. What do you do? Watch people starve, with food in your bowl, or spread that goat out? Better yet, teach those people how to preserve goat meat and make it stretch. Better yet, help them realize you are all in that together, compromise, form a decent plan and spare as many people that you can while not making enemies.Sometimes, you have to let the animal pass. Draw in the one you want.

After all, that is what I see. Someone wanting to draw someone into a fight. A fight to martyr others for a cause. So it is martyrdom, not serving God, but selfishness.

There is also the perpetuation of the politicians running for office, who are not elected, to give their opinion of what the POTUS should be doing. You are not employed in that job yet. If you are holding or entertaining language that is derogatory to the support of your present POTUS, what will you do when you might be elected? How will you turn your personal prejudices on any group of people if it is detrimental to your campaign, or employ as the future president?

I see a president losing hope over the actions and behaviors of his constituents. I would say to that POTUS, do not lose heart. Everyone has a dark moment. Some of us have more than others. You will be lifted out by a very unique and special event.

Is this what America wants?

I say, swamp the whole lot of candidates and bring us someone with caliber. There doesn’t seem to be anything here.

Once more with feeling

None of the Presidential candidate elects for our future president are worthy; toss those bad fish back.

There is a proclamation of war by France; good on France. There should also be an understanding that religious extremism is a global problem and that requires more than one group, agreeing or not, to work together to solve that problem in a way to cause as little casualties as possible.

My hunting thought: It is called a driven hunt by location. Animals talk to one another; they look for food, water and shelter. To deprive them of that is to make them move in the direction they do not desire. Once that is taken away, they sit still for as long as they can, then they turn and fight.

Humans are no different.

When it comes to the News Media and Politicians safe in their beds or work, to call for troops to go into a zone and act as Stormtroppers, sacrificing themselves for other people’s safety-yet what those soldiers are seeing is selfish, greedy people calling to segregate and exert prejudice on a weakened people-what do those soldiers have in the way of example for selflessness and compassion when the ones calling for an angry response are not the ones suffering the work? The soldier has the right idea, but not the civilians frothing at the mouth to sacrifice someone, then later realizing that same soldier has no one to take care of them.

One of the ideals of the military is to serve selflessly the civilians and the world in times of peace and war. What message are we sending our troops? I am a selfish civilian, go fall on a sword for me while I take selfies, drink haterade, and go down and burn some businesses because I am upset.

I can see why there is no action to place a movement of troops on foreign grounds. Maybe the powers that be are trying to be smarter from earlier conflicts. Why should the powers that be continually be pressured to put soldiers at risk for the backlash to come on their decisions through News Media ready to uncover the truth at political shadiness or the appearance of? Who got the backlash for Benghazi? Who is being held responsible for intervention in the early stages of the present extremist groups’ evolution from some past point on the timeline?

Sad thing is, the News Media is driving this. When did the News Media become the weakest link and helper to extremist groups in the intelligence community by leaking as much information as they can scrape out the information coconut?

I watched some of the videos of the extremists. The individuals appeared to have a laughing smirk, much like someone who doesn’t believe in the religious text, more so than the idea at getting attention by harassing a world entity. To many times these people appear, by media standards of information passage, to be displaced persons living with the reality their lives aren’t going anywhere so, where do they find glory and fame?

On the other hand, instead of simply worshiping, a caliphate had to be formed in order to construct a cure for what they perceive as a beast against their religious doctrine that they must destroy. The West might look like Sodom and Gomorrah to the Middle Easterner, when considering some of the reports, there are shady thing just as bad going on in their prospective countries. Bad press is...bad press.

My hunting thought: Stop chasing imaginary dragons to kill. Practice your religion in peace.

Anything God or Allah wants to do, I am sure has the power to do it, there is no need for a human to take it upon him, or herself to intervene; that wouldn’t be Godly, that would be humanly. The Great Mystery most likely doesn’t want calamity stirred up.

What do I know of the Great Mystery? I go to sleep. I wake up. I am, you are, everything outside my perception is mysteriously awake, aware, and evident, if not illusionary.

When did the whole of existence become reliant on the written word in a sacred text, when the Great Mystery is transcendent to the verbal diatribes of man?

Yet, watch CNN’s dialogue on the Paris terrorist attacks. Watch the presidential democratic debate. It is there. People are more concerned on the use of a word. Hawkish became the pivot word. Stratagem became the pivot word. Refugee became the pivot word. Word meaning and usage was being used. We can’t even speak, or worship with language because of the distorted meaning of the word.

Once in my philosophy class, a proficient and critical thinking teacher, Professor Blackwell, who as a chaplain said some remarks. I gathered this from his words, “People now worship the Word more than they worship the God.” This isn’t an exact wordage, as words mean everything,but the meaning is clear. He also said, “You can tell the kind of man you are dealing with indicated by the sacred text that he carries.”

Stop making the goat into an ancient Oak Tree. They are already the same thing; divine.

People can’t see the entity behind the words, so the words become the embodiment of the entity. Yet, walk out your door. That spirit awaits, but what if you don’t live in a beautiful place, does it matter? If all you see is a place where it looks like they test the nukes, do you feel the same way? If not, why do you not change your environment and your way of thinking, or the direction your thinking goes?

My hunting thought here is: Contemplation in the mundane hours while you wait, bring about the greatest realizations, until you stop thinking, and you begin to experience Being.

Let the goat be the goat.

Your inner world becomes your outer world. If you are afraid of Syrian refuges, what are you really afraid of? If you disdain American living, what are you really afraid of? If we should only let Christians in, what is that really saying?

Question the Goat for what it is.

If you demand to know a strategy from your POTUS, do you have little faith in his ability to do his job? If so, would you like his job, and do you think his job requires keeping stratagem close to the vest? Do you think you should be given clear access to all information, when you are the informant for the side doing the damage? Should we sacrifice our compassion because of the fear? Should we sacrifice what America stands for because of bad people out of fear? Can we not show that fear will not rule our lives?

As a world, we shouldn’t be driven by evil men through a set-up to prove we are as bad as they proclaim we are. Instead, show who is the contrary one. Use the sacred word for our benefit to prove a point to others who might be targeted to be enlisted into their following.

Now the religious extremists dabbling in terrorism are the same as Isaac aka Ismail from the Quran, willing and ready to die for the vision of his father, Abraham, because of God’s commandment. How do we know this? 

Someone interpreted the word based on the vision. At the same time, they are the Goat, sacrificed to the vision. The conundrum here is being both, and not one, or the other. This dictates that there is no intervention on God, or Allah’s part. If so, is God, or Allah really not agreeing to this? Could this be more-a scenario built by humans with no will of God or Allah invoked? Good question.

Another good question is, how many times does this Ismail/Isaac scenario have to play itself out before someone realizes it is man-made. 

If an angel of God, or Allah comes and tells you to stop, would you? If someone comes to you and says, “I have a vision. Just stop what you are doing, it is wrong.” Would a terrorist stop, if that is the word, and the word is believed? Can anyone believing this stop the non-believer that doesn’t go by the word? Are you not held as much hostage by what is actually a selective believer or manipulator of the word?

As far as visions, God can use a braying jack ass to pass a message. 

Do you think eventually the higher power you worship will not show its displeasure if you have faith in this belief?

When you apply the victims of Paris, they are the sacrificial Goat to the idea, but there is no favor for the terrorists because they are hiding, or on the run.

If the Middle East wants to do something more devastating than total destruction, express and illustrate Peace for one hundred years on the world. Stop destroying. Stop hurting one another. Thrive and grow. Be something the Universe would be proud of. Express divinity through acts of kindness, compassion, and down right badassery in supplication to whatever God or Deity you chose to be an apostle to.

Just a suggestion.

Be the Human Being your God created you to be; spread that. 

Can we sacrifice the idea of the goat, in order to save the human being at the hand of the human being? We shouldn’t have to sacrifice the idea of the Goat, either.

The idea of God is not impressed by killing the idea of the Goat.

Trust me, I am one goat that is not worth it.

Written by: W Harley Bloodworth