Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Curious Person

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Remember this: Curiosity is not a bad thing, but don't put your foot in your mouth. It might choke you. Think first impressions.

Every once in a while, someone will come along and appear curious. When the same person comes along and you've had them blocked from your accounts since 2010, you get curious yourself. What exactly does the curious person want?
Keep in mind, I didn't go looking for this interaction. It came to me, which makes it stick out like a sore thumb.

The curious person will either show the person they truly are, or keep up with the charade. Of course, once you have made the executive decision to move forward yourself, and not revisit people from your dark and immediate past, who you have given opportunities to, it is fair to say everything is reset at zero for you.

There are people who will take it upon themselves to act like your mirror. This is unnecessary when you have solved your own problem without their help. They are only irritating a situation that has come to a resolution, which could set you back on this weird regression. This is detrimental to your evolving as a person; same for them, as well.

If nothing is thriving in the way of relationships, then one can conclude it is a dead-end street. Someone has to let go. I decided to do this.

I blocked the person again. I minded my own business. I am not interested in hurting someone because of curiosity. Hopefully, it was just innocent curiosity. I have no desire to say who this person is. The likelihood it was fake is extremely high. I just let it go. I remembered the man and woman's pictures from 2010.

I wondered why they were back bothering me. Seven years had past and I remembered them both. The photos I saw had not changed. I was looking at another lie. This is why I feel the need to protect myself constantly.

There was some things said to me at the onset of the conversation that someone should never do. I was being nice. When you list all the things not-to-do, then the person goes through and checks all those things off, they are probably there to hurt you. I thought it was more of an information gathering scenario. It begins to look like a set-up and a lure page.

This was what I saw. I friended the person. There were some family photos. In the information section, it listed this person had publicly declared a relationship with a woman.

Red Flag #1: Why would you be talking to another woman?

I noticed posts were sourced out. I don't know if the curious person could tell, but I could see the happy photos of the curious person on vacation with the declared love-of-his life at the moment. I wasn't mad about it. This person was a stranger to me.

Red Flag #2: Why would the pictures be readily available from the girlfriend's page?

The curious person gave me their number. I called them. A male answered the telephone. Right off, I could hear this hint of anger or resentment in their voice. I thought to myself, what is this. Within five sentences, the male voice said, “You don't have any money.” This is really the only part of the conversation you need to know. It expresses the point of this blog.

The curious person and the girlfriend indicated Christian beliefs. I wondered if it were not a couple on the internet trying to lure unsuspecting people into situations where they could cry foul or pervert, then ruin people's lives. I suspected this because of the reference of “my friends”. People on my google plus account are strangers. I can't control if they want to post nudity or some pervy photography, esp men.

Red Flag #3: When the curious person approached someone else for pin-up photography for themselves. I guess that person forgot they were on the man's page.

This wasn't the first time a woman has gotten on a man's page then tried to pretend to be a guy to do nefarious things or try to compromise and ruin me. I don't know what these types get out of it. Parents, who have their children on their accounts, can get into trouble when their kids are using their profiles for mischief.

There again, it could be someone using the photographs of some innocent person, while talking to me, thinking I won't investigate this because I am so desperate for love. They think you are love thirsty, which opens you up to all kinds of abuse.

I am not that.

I thought some mysterious person could have sent me videos and destroyed my processor in my old phone. The curious person could have sent me things to click on to hack my phone to watch what I was doing.

I am a little no-body and can't imagine why someone would spend so much time doing all of that extra effort. Of course, this could be another group of men or women, doing mean things to hurt me because they have boring lives.

Red Flag #4: When the curious person wants to talk to you like one keeps pots on the back burner.

Here is some dating advice for anyone talking to a person for the first time.

Do not discuss your money, their money, or dead people's money on the first conversation. This information should be withheld until you decide you are going to get serious about marrying someone or becoming common law. There is no need for anyone to know about your finances, except you. If a stranger wants to know if you are worth the effort because they are well-off themselves, or are money-oriented, then let them move on. You don't need to take a back seat to love because of a piece of special paper and ink with currency value on it. People get jobs every day. You can support yourself.

If money is the main reason couples fight, both of you will never be content. Money will always lay in the bed between you.

If the person makes you feel so uncomfortable that you do not want to call them back because you start questioning motives, then don't. Move on. The person was just curious. Leave it at that.

If you have made it clear (as the curious person's mark) that you do not want people approaching you for initial sexual interactions, do not encourage this conversation on the first call. If the curious person brings up the subject to lure you into sexual conversations, do not engage. It is a trap. This usually indicates that sexy time or conversation is all the curious person wants.

If the curious person has declared themselves publicly to another woman, have the girlfriend do that job. Don't employ a stranger outside your relationship to please you. Go to therapy and figure out why you are straying. If you want someone else, break up with that person, then move on. Otherwise, the curious person is just potentially using you to help them break up with their girlfriend, only to dump you as well, once the curious person gets what they want.

Don't be a patsy.

When you begin thinking about dating another person and getting into relationships, you have to consider it the same as applying for a job. There are things you do not do on initial contact that could ruin your chances.

I went back to monitor the pages. The persons behind the profiles seemed to be somewhat aggressive. I didn't need another abusive person in my life, even if they were hiding their true nature.

If there is retribution from this, then I will know the real motive behind this interaction. This could have been just a socially inept guy, unhappy with his present girlfriend, who wanted options. I am going to believe this was the scenario until forthcoming information is available.

You do not need to find a person to fill a hole in your life. My son was telling me this quote from Two Chains, a rapper of all things, “Instead of trying to find the right one, you should become the right one.”

I'm working on that. I could be Mrs. Darcy. Now, there is a very big misunderstanding wedged right in there.

We'll never know.

Written by: W Harley Bloodworth