Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Snow Goose Visage of Destiny!

Remember this: When the spirit appears, and it will, one must see where it goes.

From a previous post I was writing on feathers and what they mean to me where this is one of the events that followed after angels started to shed their down.
I was thinking about making my medicine wheel this morning or how it would look. I decided seeing how I haven't slept yet (how I got those pictures without looking like the damned or the dead is beyond me) and only drank water to go for a walk and think. I strolled down the street and went around the park where I sat underneath a faux pear tree. The tree looked like a burning flame because the leaves turn yellow, red, orange, and brown before they fall to the ground. Sitting didn't suit me so I lay down on my back to look up at the colors overhead. A wind blew then they all fell in my face but the other trees weren't getting as much wind. Seeing how it was cold down there on the ground and I really wasn't dressed for being on the ground I felt cold but still sat there waiting for something. I felt pretty stupid but laughed it off. I picked up this really yellow leaf and realized that was the outside of my circle. I got up and walked on thinking I had gotten all that I was going to get today. I then thought to myself-there isn't going to be any animal out here in this desolation. I felt even more stupid for thinking it but laughed anyway. I made the curve then looked over for no apparent reason to see something standing in the field bobbing its head like it was looking at me.
I said, "What the bloody hell is that?"
I walked between the fence and just started walking towards it. It moved around but then I saw it take a couple of steps then it was airborne. To start with I thought it was some weird duck. My eyes wasn't focusing to good but instead of the bird flying away in fright it made several low circles over my head before coming back to rest in the field. It was all by itself. Lost? Maybe not? I didn't want to scare it away but thought I saw something of it lurking around the house the other day but it left before I could really get a look at it so I forgot about it. Damn goose is stalking me!!!!!!
I walked back to the house to get my binocs to see if I could identify it. After taking a long hard gander at it I realized it was a goose. I went back in the house to leave it alone. I had my son google what kind of goose it was. The head and neck was white but the chest was grey or blue. At first I saw that it was a snow goose but this type was referred to as a blue goose because of its molt. Either way it is a Snow Goose. I am not sure what this goose is to show me or tell me but I have yet to sing it a song and ask it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it’s morphing into a white goose because it looks like a young bird. Maybe I have to change in order to move to a new place? New way of thinking? New life? Or new people/situations? I don't know.
The bird will lead me.
After that I walked back across the yard and found a grey feather lying on the ground two feet away from the rear driver's side tire. I picked it up out of the wet grass, took it inside and put it on my board. What does it all mean?

The symbol of the sacred circle and its migration announces the passage of the Great Circle of the year; totem of the Winter Solstice for the Native Americans.

The goose reminds us of the stories we are drawn to that often reflect our life mission. The goose is a call to the vision quest, travel and new adventure and the celebration of victory with dance. The goose never leaves one of its own kind behind. Geese annually migrate to warmer climates during the winter. Should a goose become injured during this trek, another goose will leave the migrating flock to stay with its fallen comrade. An individual whose outer personality is one of determination and resourcefulness, goose souls may become so single-minded in their drive to provide a safe nest for their mate and offspring that they may ultimately attain their beautiful and sturdy nest, only to turn around when it has been achieved to find there is no mate with whom to share it.
Never leave the weak behind.

Written by: W Harley Bloodworth
~Courtesy of the AOFH~