Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Monday, May 6, 2013

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary.......

Remember this: To be born naturally in the beginning from a mold, then broken is to be unique. To form yourself artificially into a mold, after you were born,  is to be a captive of what you let yourself be defined as. Breaking that self made mold is a challenge, indeed.

One of the factors today of hunting, if the viewer is regarding the male revue, is the stereotypical male hunter. The stereotypical male hunter will fish, hunt, male bond with his comrades, chase women, sale merchandise, lie, lie some more, and have some awesome soundtrack accompanied by slow motion or high speed cinematography. Male dominated sports have a certain boring rinse and repeat to them. This being pretty straight forward, I thought maybe we should look at the other side of the plate where the women are concerned.

I wanted to make a brief investigation on the female form as it applied to being thrust into a mold, either willingly or by happenstance.

I asked myself: Why can you take a woman who hunts, sex her up or down and she can drain a man's pocket book faster than the Sands of Time run out? Men will willingly do this with the hope of  a chance with her?

Let us consider a gun, or car in relations to the female hunting form.

You can take a gun, put it in a picture by itself and people experince psuedo erotic sensations. No nudes apply. You can take a photo of a beautiful woman and she has the same effect as the gun. Even though guns seem to have a masculine quality about them they are viewed as feminine as cars are.

When you consider imagery, people have been conditioned to equate a gun or car with an illusionary overtly sexual female form. Why do men treat their guns and cars better? Is it because it's an emotionless constant machine that is under the complete domination of the man? Is it because the man can put the gun away and pull it out when he feels like it? Men seem to like the term, "break it in" which could be translated as conquer. I thought, maybe I should do a survey in the name of research and science? I brushed past the answers that loomed in my reverie. Interesting.....

I thought, it's 2013 not the early 1900s when women were fighting for the vote. It's odd to me when I see the phrase "first female to do".... bla bla bla in this day and age. If you consider some male dominated sports such as Nascar where this has in recent year become evident with the arrival of female drivers such as Danica Patrick. Why? She's got that dark beauty with mad skills even though she was not the first. She was highly marketable to male Nascar followers. Even if she didn't win a race, men would dream of dating her just to say they had.

There is Christmas Abbot who is being worked into a pit crew. The admission of the marketing director, who thought having women in Nascar could pull more brands to utilize the women for increased sales was not a surprise. Yet Christmas Abbot had to be able to pull off the physical aspect of the pit crew job. I am sure she will get plenty of benefit from the endorsements of products on her behalf. Mrs. Abbot  has worked hard and opportunity showed itself. Being able to slip into the job of female pit crew seemed to be easily laid by a very smart business man and his group. They saw the potential benefits of utilizing a woman for monetary gain. Empowering women was probably a secondary benefit. Money always comes first for sure. Either way a fool and his money soon part.

For all intents and purposes,  lets assume the stereotypical women listed below are normal women living normal lives. How can the outward impression hinder or promote their place in the hunting sport?

Let's loosely examine a couple of stereotypes:

The Sex Kitten

Men will only see this person as a sex symbol. These types are usually posing in photography as a fantasy.When men relate to them, it is as the fantasy construct in their imagination. Men usually don't want the illusion of some sexy imagery blown in their psyche. It leaves a bad taste in their mouth then they feel betrayed. Realizing the fantasy was a lie even if its one they agree to is contrary. When the Sex Kitten tries to make the transition to a more serious role they have to alter the perception of the target group. This could be another betray because men do not want to change the fantasy by complicating it. People will not allow her to move past the image of fantasy woman. The general public may slap her hands to keep her in the role. The Sex Kitten has to work extra hard in order to grow her legitimacy. She has to supersede the image even when she is being suppressed back into that role. Its like getting stuck in the mud. Unless someone pulls her out or she can get herself out she may work herself to death. The Sex Kitten may live with this identity for a long time until old age or being replaced happens. She has to reinvent herself and start anew. This could be starting the fight up hill all over again. This type flies under the radar because she wants to be in the loop even if she has to play down her talents and smarts to not be booted out the boys club or be replaced by a more agreeable Sex Kitten.

On the other hand, once again there are endorsements from modeling jobs, opportunities at business and promotion, and getting your name out under a descriptive that might open doors for you. You are working yourself like a product. You have to come to God on the fact you'll be treated and treating yourself like a side of beef for consumption.

The Extreme Huntress

Everything about the Extreme Huntress screams, you got it, 'extreme'. Why? This could be an emotional outlet where showing extreme physical, psychological, or ideological feelings, behaviors, or actions come from a place where the Extreme Huntress feels oppressed, insecurity, humiliation, resentment, loss and rage.  If these are the feelings behind the Extreme Huntress's mindset to prove herself to be far better than others in dangerous situations, or what she thinks is required to be acceptable, one could see where the behavior fits the previous experience they now generate from their own actions. This type may or may not believe men and women to be equal because the idea to out do men is strongly based on necessity of survival.
Here the same is said: endorsements, opportunities, and world renown.

The Fem-bot Huntress

The Feminist Huntress is less desired because she believes that men and women should be equals. Given this type of female can be to an extreme or laid back in her interactions with men who hunt. This type of huntress will be kept at arms length because of the threat the men perceive. You get labeled angry, a bitch, or man-hater.

Pinnochio's Wooden Sister:

This Huntress is the real girl that is not symmetrically perfect in her body. She is the one who holds your stupid hand when you're crying like a baby in the hospital. She sickly suffering your fishing trips while touching smelly fish guts. She probably doesn't shoot to straight but she's there in the woods talking up a storm and running off the deer with you. Yes gentlemen, the one that drives you nuts.

Now with this being said the Sex Kitten, Extreme Huntress, and Fem-bot Huntress are all Pinnochio's Wooden Sister. You just can't see it because they have built a wall of false imagery and self defining illusion around themselves to placate the outer world. What the media demands as a commodity in regards to popular public expectation or elaborate male expectations are other forms of brick and mortar. That is a heavy burden to carry.When they lose this identity, crisis ensues because the identity has to be redefined.

Women who hunt are real women not media personalities where we rob them of their humanity. These women  are:
  • Robbed of their voice,
  • Their opinions have to be voiced loudly to be heard, 
  • Slapped down when endeavoring to raise themselves up to a more evolved level or pursuit
  • Overcoming a double standard where roles are defined to keep them in check.

On another note, if you believe in God or the Mysterious powers of the Universe, out came the mold of the mischievous Huntress Nymph. She's put on Earth to make you question your sanity, pull your hair out, defy, defy, defy, piss you off and lead you into uncharted psychological territory no one thought to bush-wack. God then said, "That ought to fix them and it was good."

One can then think in terms of mistreating people:

"When you spit against the sky, the sky is not going to be corrupted by you. You will be corrupted by your own spitting. The spit is going to fall on you. Your whole effort is absurd. The sky will remain the sky."
(Osho 69)

Being who and what you are is real. Stop spitting in the wind and helping other people make you less of what you are.

Its time Pinnochio's Wooden Sister became a real girl.

Written by Angelia Y Larrimore

~Courtesy of the AOFH~

Literature Cited:
Osho. The Buddha Said....New York, NY: Sterling Publishing, 2009. Print, pg.69