Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Do I Really Need A Henchman?

Remember this: A woman's money burns as good as a man's. Sometimes a woman's money is a man's and vice versa.

Seeing how I had a Vender mistreat me in the way of looking at guns they had for sale this episode reminded me of another situation where I was on the lamb for a gun I wanted. I wondered how prevalent was this kind of prejudice. I know I look like a little girl but come on. If you are in the business of selling a product customer service should be a given and mistreating your potential client should not be an option, poor or rich.

The first part of June I made rather large purchases at the Bass Pro Shop. Round trip it takes me close to two hours to visit that place. Seeing how I had a lot of 'points' on that receipt I went back to claim some archery tips and a traditional suede shooting glove, price a shell belt and shells. I was having a pretty good evening. I had gotten my truck mostly fixed so life was decent.
I was standing near the gun cases looking at the shotguns and rifles. I was pretty disappointed in the rifles. They all looked plastic and impersonal. I then looked at the shotguns but was only impressed by maybe five or six out of that bunch.
A older salesman with brown hair and glasses was leaning against the cash register then blurts out, "Can I help you?"
I really didn't like his tone but said to him, "I wanted to look at your Benellis."
He then walks over and says, "We don't carry Benellis here."
I was taken aback because for 3 minutes I drilled my eyes into the name tags on the gun wall right behind this man.
There was three Brownings, a couple of Mossburgs and some weird snub nosed Marlin that looked like one of the Seven Dwarves might use it to practice shooting at cans? As for Benellis? There was at least two just sitting there. A Benelli Nova and a Benelli Youth. At this point red flags went up.
I said, "Are you sure?" I am looking at the gun directly behind him but I say nothing about it being there.
He says, "No ma'am."
I realized at this point he must not want to help me. He was telling me 'no' and not 'yes' to the question. lmao. Or thought I was stupid?
I tell him, "I am looking to see if you can order this gun I had seen. Its made by Benelli. The advertisement said it shoots like an over and under, self-corrects, is balanced, light weight, has reduced recoil. I can't remember the name of it but Benelli makes it."
He goes to the back pissed off. Brings out the book, slams it on the glass case, then tells me that Benelli doesn't make an over and under shotgun. Benelli doesn't make such a gun. I just stared at him. I think he made a wish I would just go away?
He wasn't listening to me and trying to assess my need. He just took it literally that the gun I was asking for was an over and under. He started flipping madly through this book talking about Beretta and Franchi. I'm standing there looking at his wild behavior. He then starts to explain barrels to me. I stopped him right there. I looked at him and closed his book and said politely, "Sir. You are not the one to help me with this." I then walked off down the shot gun shell aisle.
I didn't see the point in having a screaming match in Bass Pro Shop.
I realized this man was not listening to me AT ALL.
I then thought on the drive home after watching a movie that I shouldn't have to drive for 25 minutes to pick my brother up, have him go to this store so I can have a translator to buy a 12 or 20 gauge shotgun. Do I really need a Henchman to stand behind me in a threatening manner while I ask my questions? I then thought of my brother snatching this man over that glass counter then having to bail him out of jail. Not a good idea.
I thought then if a wife tells her husband, "I want to go to town and buy myself a shotgun." That man shouldn't have to load up in the truck like a coon hound and stand over his wife like she's a child just to purchase a weapon.
I've been wanting this gun quite a while but I've put it off for more important things. Besides in the mean time I have a Wingmaster Super Mag passed down from my grandfather through my brother. It shoots a tight uniform.
I guess to this whole fiasco with fixing my truck and having to juggle the lies of several different parts places its making me feel swept aside? Maybe not worthy of someone's time? I don't know. Then having to nail them to the wall for a final answer and calling them on it. They then get that 'You're a Bitch' look on their face.
I guess if a stupid face is what I have going for me then when they find their ass nailed to the wall they ask for it.
I wasn't going to let it get to me. I came home. Looked up the Benelli site then found this gun in all its glory. It was a Benelli Super Vinci 12 G.
The salesman had a Benelli Nova there for $495. Super Vinci is around $1695-$1800.
I decided to call the Bass Pro Shop and speak to the Manager. I walked out onto the porch not really paying attention. I then train my eyes on this one spot in the yard and realize something is looking at me.
Over along the corn field edge, posed is one of the more elegant bucks I've ever seen. I started talking to it. I thought it would run for cover like a bat out of hell. I spoke to it and told it I saw it standing there. It was okay. I wasn't going to do anything. It started to walk toward the porch. I wondered if it was one of those that would charge you? They do that. I started singing to it. I know that is ass crazy. It made sense to me. It turned and stretched itself out and began walking across the yard, which is mostly clover to disappear into the corn field across the road. Last time I saw a buck like that it dove through my car window at eleven o'clock at night on top of my child then after coming home there was another one standing under the mimosa tree in the yard. That was one of those full moon nights and considering it was a Blood Moon the other night: you might see some crazy stuff.
That singing business I picked that up along time ago. I always try to sing to things when they are sick. Weird. Even the hardest hearted person would crump if you sing to them.
It must have been that dude's lucky day because I realized Bass Pro Shop had closed.
Now I have a camera set up in the yard to see if I can get a better picture of that deer. It would be my luck the camera's not working.

Written by  W Harley Bloodworth

~Courtesy of the AOFH~