Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Friday, January 2, 2015

The Suicide Runner

Click on image to enlarge.

Remember this: It takes over thirty men to gun down one buck.

I wasn't going to write anything but yesterday I was out riding and came across an event. Let me explain...

The green squares are hunters with guns on the shoulder of the road or standing in the road from the area the deer are run.

The pink squares inside are X amount of hunters because I don't know how many were in there. By the gun fire, I would say up to 10, maybe.

The orange is a two-lane road.

Inside this square is a corn pile.

The little map above is a six-mile loop. Starting close to where I entered the two lane road was a red truck with a hunter in it. I went down the road and turning onto Point B, found more hunters. I passed through them all. I turned onto Point C where more hunters were. Point B and Point C had a total of four or five young boys under 13. I finally got into the residential area. There was a man square in the middle of it and another man hiding behind his house with a shotgun. From the time I left Point A, shot gun blasts could be heard all the way up until I got back to Point A. By the time I got to Point C's turn, four deer had been killed. When I arrived back on Point A to cook tomatoes and rice, four more deer where killed.

The way this little driven hunt was set up was each hunter had a handheld radio or a headset to which they talked to each other.

By the time I counted fat men with guns, there was over 35 men. All that for what might be 8 does, if a buck were in there. Most of the deer, I am guessing, were the babies from late August that were just weaned because they weren't even a year old. I can imagine if it moved it died. Baby or not. No wonder you don't see a lot of deer here and if you do they stick there toe out for gun fire.

People would call this a driven hunt but it looked more like a military movement or a slaughter. I'm pretty sure, from what I have seen that they start a few days before and get others to flush the animals up from other hunters spots. Then the property owner or asshat that contrives this has no one go in there to hunt. The deer think it is safe and unhunted then the men carrying guns (I don't consider this hunting) surround the place and pen them in and slaughter them. The only way out was to run horizontal to the eastern part of that patch of woods into peoples back yard.

I thought, wow, people are talking about how their hunter wife made the Hottie list and all things are great in hunting but this is what I have to look at. I wondered what those kids learned. Don't worry about the way you hunt, just kill it no matter what or how?

I almost visualized a great wire fence around this guy's property and he might as well charge per pound for whatever was killed on top of a hunting lease. He was even ballsy enough to threaten my neighbor for hunting his deer on his land and then invites thirty some people to a killing party.

This was the suicide runner. She came out the woods and got hit by a car. I flipped her over looking for a bullet hole before man's vultures came to cart her carcass away in the back of a truck. She died with a smile on her face I guess because she wasn't going to be killed that way. Better to die by your own hoof, I guess. She started to get rigors. One of the men pulled up after I finished my ride and was going to scrap her up and I told him not to because she was stiff as a board and the buzzards were on her.

This evening I went again. Gun shells littered the road. I guess those men aren't even beholden to come pick up their litter after they leave it on the side of the road.

This screamed hunter desperation to do such a thing. It was the last day of the hunting season, the DNR office was closed and no one was watching the chicken house.

This hunter named Christine came and asked me why I stopped writing. I told her it all looks negative and until I do something I truly feel is positive, don't see how I can write about it. All this stuff is not made up and I haven't put near a quarter of events. There are a lot of things good but more wrong with my life and I have to go an make it right because there is only me.

I was also glad to say goodbye to online hunter asshats even if they didn't feel the same way. It is poison.

The lady down the road said the hunters were after this huge buck. I would hate to know it took over 30 people to kill one deer.

I really didn't want to be opinionated on this. It is what it is. You wanted to see a dead animal. Here she is.....in all her glory.

Doe says, "Fuck you. Let the buzzards eat me."

This will be here for only two days then I am going to put it to rest with this dead deer.

Written by:W Harley Bloodworth

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