Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Just for Angelia

I am progressing in a positive direction.

From whatever point I am experiencing life now,

I can make a positive move toward greater fulfillment.

Whatever type of person I now seem to be,

I can begin to grow into the person God or the Universe,

created me to be.

I can choose a new pattern of thinking and acting.

I can make choices to put me on the path.

This choice will bring me greater joy and inner peace.

If I am unhappy with the way I have reacted in some circumstance,

I have the power to acknowledge and change my behavior.

I have an inner spark of divinity.

The spiritual me that has been created,

In the image and likeness of God.

I wish to express in the inner-outer realms.

I turn to inner guidance to: think, speak, and act positively.

I follow a higher calling and move at a comfortable

pace in a positive direction.