Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Prophecy Point: It Has Been Foretold

Remember this: Everyone loves a good prophecy, especially when the bullet points appear to actualize in the conscious realm.

A Conversation Between Two People

I sat with an African-American woman at a table. We were talking about prophecy, and Jesus.

She tells me with much fervor, “I am like Florence Henderson from Good Times. I always knew Jesus to be the white Jesus with the dark hair. It will not be any other way for me. You come to my house that is what you are going to see hanging on my wall.”

Me: “Would you hang a black Jesus on your wall?”

She looked at me with conviction, “No!”

Me: “But geography-wise he could be Middle Eastern.”

She says to me: “Look! There is no other Jesus. I will not hang a black Jesus on my wall. If I die tomorrow, and go to heaven, I am going to yell back from the pearly gates, “Hey you! He’s white, with dark hair!”

Nothing was going to sway her belief otherwise. Jesus is an integral part of a prophecy of the Bible. This prophecy has its own set of markers. She believes white Jesus with the dark hair, will return. I support her belief in that, if that is her belief. This is not about biblical prophecy. 

Jesus was one person, endowed with special gifts to come save the world and people put him up on two sticks, and killed him. Now, people are crucifying each other daily. Jesus is foretold to come back.

I asked her the following questions:

Why do you believe we are given prophecy?

What purpose does Prophecy serve; and for whom?

If the Creator creates, threatens, runs interference on behalf of the created to save, why whip out a prophecy, if the end game is destruction?

I thought it valid questions.

Standing Rock Protester Rants about Colonizing Whites in Camp

I saw post after post proclaiming indigenous prophecy was coming true right before everyone’s eyes. I surfed the comments on social media.

Prophecy needed some problem-solving. The thing about visions and prophecy is rarely detailed, and can’t be depended on. The outcome is vague, vague, vague. Sometimes you need an interpreter. 

Prophecies are thrown down on people with no insight; like a dead fly in your soup. Should you eat the soup, or throw it away?

As an example: The children of white men will grow their hair out long and seek out the teaching of indigenous tribes, or go to support them. (loosely, I state this)

This one person stood out with a post that has made the rounds. Beautiful person on the outside, but poison spewing from the inside.

The general complaint was a portion of white visitors to Standing Rock were there for vacation, disrespectful, and unsupervised. This is not an ethnicity issue, it is an organization issue. 

If random people show up to your camp have a sign in list, issue a name tag, and give them a job. People have to be informed of their role. If there is a special cultural consideration, sit them down and let them know what is up. Most people will understand and respect that information and request. When you have large numbers of people, there needs to be communication, structure, and organization.

Keeping with the Cosmic Code, let us get back on Prophecy Point.

Prophecy Problem-Solving #1: If the prophecy shall state a disliked people are going to show up at your door to support you, in a vague sort of way (in your moment of need), the Universe is tasking you with a job that you didn’t know you were going to get. It is your task, whether you like it or not, to properly instruct this person on what is expected of them. They want to help you. They just don’t know how, or if it will be accepted. 

Everything I see states indigenous people have the instruction for the land and its uses-people show up and now, you have to teach them. One should have the understanding that people aren’t all daft, this being a big world, shouldn’t be insulted on their part either. You are mutually there to help one another. That should be an understandable compromise.

This is the issue that will come back to bite you in the ass. If you mistreat someone that has come to help you, then later, you need help again, that group may be less inclined to come to your aid. This is applicable to anyone.

There is nothing in the prophecy that states the outcome or consequence of bad choices will prevail or occur, other than the dominating theme. Lesser themes affect the dominating theme.

If prophecy states, the white man has to make a decision between destruction, or peace-those white people showing up have to be schooled on why peace is a good idea-so they can carry it back to the outer world.

Prophecy illustrates a hidden point: Different peoples with personal issues in the Great Cosmology have to learn to compromise to get along to serve a common goal that is necessary to all. They must learn the task of working together.

Problem + Problem = Solved

Prophecy illustrates here the need to forgive and sacrifice for the end goal. Do not revisit the past interactions of bad ancestors. Bad ancestral choices gave us all these problems to solve. Can we solve them?

The truth is: It is Possible and doable

In order for the prophecy to get from Point A-verbal speaking of the prophecy, to point B-which is the occurrence of the prophecy, to point C, which is the execution of the Prophecy, then on to Point D, the fulfillment of the prophecy’s end-that means you need to realize your job and do it. 

Otherwise, all those people are going to come and go with no transfer of knowledge-no enlighten-no spiritual elevation to move the prophecy in the more beneficial direction.

Brotherhood and Sisterhood has to be built. Trust has to be built. Bonds have to be built. Work on that; inter-personally, personally, and on a bigger stage. Fear-mongering has to be squashed. Prejudices have to be squashed. Resentment has to be dealt with and an understanding reached.

Pissy, for-the-moment truces aren’t going to get it in the long run either.

Stop bitching and do your cosmic job that you didn’t ask for, Oh Chosen Ones. No person in a prophecy wants to be the Chosen Ones. That means work. That means sacrifice on the part of the few for the whole, even if they aren’t that deserving.

People need to sit with clearer minds and determine the root problem, instead of what is the symptom.

Sometimes the Complaint department only has the complaints-they don’t find the solutions.

Yet, Prophecy is not done with us. There has to be a truce called between ethnicity-that is binding-because it isn’t just about the relationship between Caucasians and Indigenous people, but People of African descent, and anyone else willing to smoke the Peace Pipe that has an issue, or bone to pick with the other.

That’s right, Prophecy has some fine print. White man has to decide between technology that incites destruction, being an Earth person, and getting along with his fellow ethnicity. When you stick this under a magnifying lens, the White man is no longer just White people. Its greedy people of many ethnicity brought about by a different kind of pollution.

Prophecy is whispering in your waxed up ears that your eyes need to open and see what you hide from yourself. Laying blame isn’t working anymore. Moving past the blame has to happen.

Prophecy is the passive-aggressive verbalization of a message hidden in messages intuitively articulating a path of choices in hoped the fools involved will get it, and change their ways.

One prophecy read, “People need to know what they are.” Exactly what are you? Answer that question.

I have read several prophecies:

The running theme of mistreated people verbalizing a prophecy to warn the abuser to change their ways, or else bad will come upon the whole. The mistreated person is the disenfranchised person that doesn’t feel they have the power to change their condition-a universal curse has been uttered.

Deep inside, people want to know that the wrong done them by someone they loved, trusted, and cared about will not go unpunished. Deep inside…

 Enter the Single Child Born Under Special Circumstance

For any child born under special circumstance built around the markers of a prophecy, adults get half excited.

The child does not know the conditions surrounding its birth; only that it is born.

There’s probably more than one parent that wants to take credit for giving birth to the Anti-Christ.

Prophecy Problem Solving #2: Let the child live a normal life until the moment when something extraordinary occurs. The child will be given decisions to lead the child’s life in the direction of a prophecy eventually. Let it be free until until the Prophecy comes to collect like a mad pied piper.

The problem of a child born within the setting of what looks like a prophecy is:

The child will struggle with other people’s expectations versus choosing its own destiny. Do not lock an innocent child into a predetermined destiny that you are not certain beyond 100 percent of a doubt is linked to a prophecy.

You do not have the right as a human to screw about with someone else’s cosmic thread.

One prophecy read this way: “It’s not the return of a single individual who embodies what we’re becoming, but a process of emergence available to all peoples.”

Prophecy Problem-Solving #3: Prophecy will see fit not to tell you the mysterious ways in which it will speak to you, and through who, or what.

You better be listening with your eyes open, ready to receive.

A couple of prophecies I read:

The Seven Fires Prophecy of the Algonquin:

There are good and evil people in the world. Retrace your ancestor’s steps to find what was hidden and lost. People can either choose the road to destruction, or prosperity. (For prosperity it means you do not use destruction to prosper). It warrants universal cohesion between all people of the Earth.

Tuscarora Prophecy by Mad Bear:

“Every human was created by the Great Spirit, and we can’t hold malice in our hearts toward anyone. This is our way of life, this is our religion. The Great Spirit made the black man, the white man, the yellow man, and the red man. If we were to condemn and beat these people or keep them away we would be going against the Creator because he created them.”

“The governments of the world that are collapsing are those that have been blinded by the material things.”

There are people out there that go by Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

The prophecies I have read are not articulated to harm but to warn, and give the hope that someone out there will act human and do right by others as the Great Spirit intended. It could even be the hope a Universal Creator will intervene and punish those that stray from the path of Good. These prophecies are vocalized by people worried about the direction the World is being navigated, and how it is a dishonor upon the Universal Creator, and disrespectful through the human to human interaction to harm each other. 

There is the predicament for the way Mother Earth is being sucked dry by the human parasites living on it aka those people that think there is an unlimited supply of everything for the currency of choice.

I would suggest this, as a Relative Stranger, do not hang onto the punishments of the Prophecies. Read between the lines at what is conveyed, for that is the problem, the symptom and the way to find the cures. When you have that, do not be afraid to be a Chosen One. 

Even if you are not, there is no rule in the Great Cosmology that says you are not allowed to do your very best to bring about peace, diplomacy, understanding, love, unity, and the infinite, universal cohesion amongst humans and those things of Mother Earth. Sometimes, you have to fight for those things.

Quite frankly, it is a tragedy that one need invoke a prophecy because Earthlings don’t have the social skills to do several simple human acts; love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness.

There are many doorways. If everyone did the work to ensure a better world-Prophecy's threat over time, as we wait on it, will be void.

Written by: Angelia Y Larrimore