Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Uncanny Dopplegangers of Hunting

Remember this: Am I seeing double?

One of my all-time-favorite people to follow is Jared Leto. He is interesting and creative, to say the least. I was perusing hunting sites and this hunting celebrity came across it. I remembered him from long ago but didn’t follow him. I thought, “That is so weird.” It is not weird because my son looks like Chris Evans. I was joking and thought, “When did Jared Leto take up hunting?”; which he has not. I chuckled hard. Cough fit ensued.

I have a memory like an elephant. Puzzles man, puzzles.

I sometimes do facial re-construction overlays on skulls just for fun. This was something interesting to see.
The resemblance is….uncanny. These two people are not the same, at all. I think they should get their DNA tested and see if they are related.

Guess the person below....he's a hunter.

Written by: The Uncanny Trickster