Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

Calling the Others

Writing Theme Music

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Welcome to the AOFH (Aesthetics Of A Female Hunter).

Welcome to the Writings of The Aesthetics of a Female Hunter.

Concept for The Aesthetics of a Female Hunter grew from the dedication of a sportswoman, who strongly values the perception of women in hunting, their role in its growth process and the love of the sport.

Mission Statement:

To discuss and explore a woman's aesthetic perspective as it applies to all things hunting, shooting, fishing or the Wilderness.

To discuss and explore a woman's aesthetics as an ambassador to other women who are interested in Hunting.

To nurture Women who hunt so they can nurture others.

To promote the participation of women in all areas of the utility and sportsmanship of hunting.

To protect and value the American female hunting and firearms traditions.

A commitment to give back to help protect hunting heritage via the female perspective.

Facilitation of short and long term goals to support the innovation of programs for women and children that will help perpetuate future hunting and shooting heritages.

Focus on programs to enhance appreciation of women in hunting from a non-hunter and hunter attitude.

Increase public understanding with participation in recreational shooting sports as well as tracking.

It is a fundamental principle of the AOFH to enhance the efforts of other existing organizations with cooperative initiatives.

Utmost to protect, promote, and preserve all things hunting, fishing and shooting, as it pertains to the female hunter.

Promote diversity in the Female Arsenal as it pertains to knowledge, competition, confidence, validation, community fellowship, and a basic sense of passing it on.

Explore a wide range of Conservation issues as it pertains to wildlife, habitat, and laws.

Current update of goals as the AOFH progresses.

Thank you in advance,

AOFH Staff. 
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