Iguassu Falls

Iguassu Falls

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Friday, January 15, 2016

Open Letter to President Obama

Remember this: No one was ever hurt by a birthday wish; especially a wish that would be meaningful to a lot of viewers.

Dear Mr. President Obama,

Tonight, I was watching one of the few shows I slot time for to give my full attention to the commentary and content, that show is Real Time with Bill Maher.

It would seem with Mr. Maher’s sixtieth birthday that his request would be to have you, President Obama, on his show, Real Time with Bill Maher. I call that a goal- a viable and good for public relations goal, especially on your part.

Mr. Maher has said nothing but good things on your part, given the truthful and thoughtful commentary Mr. Maher has been known to provide to his following.

I am sure Mr. Maher’s agenda is true to the show based around political issues. I would like to see what this commentary would be about given the political climate of your servitude as President.

This would be good for President Public Relations, a well-deserved political capstone for the both of you-given your good works, and answer to my question: Who wouldn’t want to have Real Time with Bill Maher on their life’s resume?

Mr. Bill Maher endorses the concept of critical thinking, observation, education, reading and knowledge, and above all else-truthful, meaningful thought on issues that matter and should be pushed to the forefront of the viewers’ agenda; content that is substantial and important to your life.

Mr. Maher’s content is meaningful and relevant for the time-such as climate change, political analysis of politicians going into the election to make better voting choices, immigrant issues, and so forth.

I think this would be a great fit for you, Mr. President and Mr. Bill Maher.

Is there some way time can be worked out to fulfill this birthday request? People have been invited to the White House all the time, and you are going to shows-Can you make this happen?

If so, don’t delay, please contact Mr. Bill Maher’s people and get this potential episode on the show role.

I am sure I am not the only one desiring to see this. Be all you can be I say. I stand with Mr. Bill Maher on this most excellent idea.It's definitely a win-win situation.

I just want to watch an hour's worth of Awesome.

Sign the Petition if you to want to see this interview on Real Time with Bill Maherhttp://itsh.bo/Barack4BillsBirthday

Written by: W Harley Bloodworth and Cryptic Angelia

~Courtesy of the AOFH~